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A Brief Introduction of the Offense of External Pervert of the Course of Justice Under German Law
作者 許澤天
中文摘要 與我國刑法典相同,德國刑法典中並無稱為妨害司法的罪章,而只能從個別罪名是否以國家司法(Staatliche Rechtspflege)作為保護法益論述此一議題。並且,在分類上兩國刑法均可從行為人是否係司法體系內部或外部之人,區分為內部妨害司法罪與外部妨害司法罪,本文的重點在後者,擬就德國刑法中的類似條文與我國所無的罪名做一簡要的介紹,且內容著重在突顯對我國法的借鏡處,而非個別細節問題的處理。
英文摘要 Same as our Criminal Code, Germany’s Criminal Code doesn’t have a chapter called “perverting the course of justice” and therefore we can only discuss this issue by analyzing whether individual offense aims at protecting national justice (Staatliche Rechtspflege). In addition, both jurisdictions divided the offense into two categories (internal and external) based on the identify of actor (whether within the judicial system). The focus of this article is on the latter part, which will briefly introduce those offenses nonexistent in our Criminal Code yet have similar clauses in Germany’s Criminal Code. Nonetheless, this article emphasizes how our system can refer to German’s system, rather than on the details of individual issues.
起訖頁 55-64
關鍵詞 偽證誣告藏匿人犯湮滅證據PerjuryMalicious AccusationConcealment of Offenders
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201706 (265期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017060265003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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