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Associated factors in patients with refractory gout
作者 Jing YangJian-ling DongJinmei ZouYu ZhangLan TianMin Li
中文摘要 期刊連結:http://www.gouthyperuricemia.org
Objective: To analyze associated factors of patients with refractory gout.
Methods: 150 gout patients were recruited and divided into the refractory or nonrefractory gout group in this cross-sectional study. The association of refractory gout with variables was assessed using bivariate correlations. Subsequent binary logistic models with appropriate adjustments were used to find the associated factors of refractory gout patients.
Results: The prevalence of hypertension, gouty nephropathy and delayed prescription of urate-lowering therapy was higher in refractory gout group compared with controls (p<0.05). Patients with refractory had less awareness about gout and the goals of urate-lowering therapy, and poorer medication compliance (p<0.05). A multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis showed five associated factors in patients with refractory gout, including disease duration (Odds ratio (OR)=1.31, p<0.001), gouty nephropathy (OR=4.64, p=0.024), awareness about goal of urate-lowering therapy (OR=0.20, p=0.005), delay in prescription of urate-lowering therapy (OR=2.97, p=0.034) and medication compliance (OR=4.74, p=0.003).
Conclusion: The study showed that gout patients with longer gout duration, gouty nephropathy, less knowledge about the goals of urate-lowering therapy, delayed use of urate-lowering therapy and poor drug compliance were more prone to develop refractory gout.
起訖頁 32-36
關鍵詞 GoutRefractory goutGouty nephropathyCompliance
刊名 Gout and Hyperuricemia
出版單位 Gout and Hyperuricemia
期數 201703 (4:1期)
DOI 10.3966/GH1703040106  複製DOI  DOI申請

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