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The Application of Big Data in Legislative Technology in Taiwan
作者 蘇南
中文摘要 利用大數據結合國內外各種法律信息輔助立法;通過法律文本及社會生活、交易數據等之提煉,除了法律史實證研究之外,亦可作爲協助立法、修法參考,幷可節省立法成本。應用大數據的法律研究目前臺灣地區尚不多,尤其在立法技術方面,”刑事訴訟法”等8部法律有出現推事用語,與”民事訴訟法”等相關法律采用法官用語顯有不同,致生同詞歧義或同義歧詞現象,造成法律適用爭議或誤用,有待檢討修正。本文將對大數據於立法技術發展可行性、利弊分析、帶來挑戰予以分析,尤其是立法相關資料的探勘、儲存、管理、處理、搜尋、分析等各種面向。也對解决立法上繁複的文本搜尋、法律用語比對、會議諮詢及臺灣地區“立法院”三讀通過等技術性問題,進行分析、發展預測、判斷及評價,提出法條中法律用語及修法上建議。大數據的數據篩選很適合立法技術等制式作業的提升,未來應借鑒美國、歐盟及日本在大數據運用上及對個人隱私權保護的立法或修法意見,規劃結合信息業的跨領域及前瞻性策略研究,以提升立法政策及技術上的效率與管考程序。
英文摘要 Through legal texts and social life information, transaction data and other extraction by Big Data, that can combine much law information to legislation at domestic and international. From legal history and empirical research, Big Data method also can assist in legislation, amending, and legislative costs. There is not much investigates about Big Data relating legal issues, especially in the application of legislative technology. Because the judgments deeply require a lot of law and law documents, it often has ambiguous or synonymous confession, which can easily cause controversy or misuse. Therefore, the application of Big Data or Artificial Intelligence can solve legislative technical problems of complex and comparison on information processing, but it also has disadvantages. Therefore, it is still needed analysis and judgment by the legal person’s professional; otherwise it will be difficult to legal decision. This article investigates the application of big data technology and ideas to raise the issue of confusion between legal Magistrate and legal synonyms that need to amend eight laws including Criminal Procedure Law. This article will analyze the feasibility of Big Data in the development of legislative technology, and challenges by data exploration, document storage, digital management, computer processing, legal material search, law analysis of legislation-related data. It shall prediction judgments and evaluations on technical issues such as complicated text search, legal language comparison, conference consultation and the third reading of the Legislative Yuan, which proposes legal terms and suggest the law modeling of legislative technology. In the digital era, Taiwan can reference the legislation and personal privacy protection, rules of data protection and flow from United States, European Union and Japan. This article will suggest the strategic to enhance legislative policy, technical efficiency and management procedures by information science and interdisciplinary.
起訖頁 110-122
關鍵詞 大數據立法資料探勘法官推事Big DataLegislativeData Mining JudgeMagistrate
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 201906 (31期)
DOI 10.3966/615471682019060031008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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