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On Crimes of Fallacy and Treason Implemented by Buddhist Monks in the Tang
作者 段知壯
中文摘要 從古代中國國家統治秩序維護的角度來看,妖言謀反類犯罪乃是對皇權政治最嚴重的威脅,因此其也成爲國家法律規範體系的重點打擊對象。而宗教教徒天然具備的“神聖性”使之成爲妖言謀反類犯罪的特殊“關注”群體。但結合唐代有佛教僧人參與的妖言謀反類犯罪案例可以發現,該類案件或是通過引入宗教因素而進行的政治鬥爭,或是有宗教色彩添附的民間普通刑事案件,單就犯罪行爲本身的宗教色彩之影響並不强烈,佛教因素在具體的案件中通常是以一種象徵性的符號而被引入。這背後鮮明地展現了唐代宗教教權的衰落與國家政權對宗教事務全方位的管控,事實上以佛教僧人爲主體的妖言謀反類犯罪已經不再具備與同類案件明顯的區別性因素。
英文摘要 From the view of maintaining the state order in ancient China, the crimes of fallacy and treason are the most serious threat to imperial politics, so it had became the focus of the national legal system. The "sacredness" inherent in religious beliefs makes them a special "concern" group for these kinds of crimes. However, combining with the cases of fallacy and treason crimes involving Buddhist monks in the Tang Dynasty, we could find that such cases are either political struggles by absorbing religious factors or ordinary civil criminal cases with religious colors. The influence of the religious features of the crime itself is not strong, and the Buddhist factors were often embodied in a symbolic form.It clearly shows the decline of religious authority  and the overall control of religious affairs by the state power in the Tang Dynasty. In fact, the crimes of fallacy and treason implemented by Buddhist monks are no longer distinguished from similar cases.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 妖言謀反犯罪世俗政權宗教因素Crimes of Fallacy and TreasonState PoweReligious Features
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 201906 (31期)
DOI 10.3966/615471682019060031001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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