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Analysis of Trial of Facts and Trial of Law in Civil Case
作者 吳晶晶丁桂玲
中文摘要 人民陪審員只參與事實審理是人民陪審員制度改革的核心事項,也是本輪司法改革的重要組成部分。人民陪審員只參與事實審解決了人民陪審員在法律專業方面的劣勢,將法律適用交由法官依法裁決,同時將來自普通民眾的人民陪審員的樸素思想帶到案件中,使事實認定更為客觀真實,也能夠提升法律判決的社會接受度,即提升司法公信力。作為一項新的改革,要求我們在實踐中逐步探索,既要對人民陪審員事實審的範圍加以明確,又要避免“一刀切”。筆者所在法院作為人民陪審員試點法院,根據本地域特點結合審判工作實際,對人民陪審員各項制度進行積極有效的探索。本文將著眼於試點工作民事案件事實審與法律審問題,逐一分析試點法院在人民陪審員參與民事案件事實審與法律審的實踐中采取的措施,並通過具體民事案件的審理分析其實踐操作中碰到的問題,最終提出通過制度上根據案件類型、案件影響、陪審模式及程序上通過強化庭前證據交換制度、庭前閱卷制度、健全合議庭評議制度、制作事實問題列表等,同時改革裁判文書式樣等方面對民事案件的事實審與法律審進行區分。
英文摘要 It is the core of the reform of the People Jury System and the important part of judicial reform that people assessors just participate in the trial of facts, which eliminates the disadvantages of the people assessors in the field of law. In the system, judges hear the application of law by law. At the same time, the fact that jurors join only the trial of reality is more consistent with rule of thumb and enhances the social acceptability of judicial decisions, but also to, that is to enhance the public credibility of the judiciary. As a new reform, the court needs to explore in practice, both to determine the scope of the facts of the people jurors, but also to avoid “one size fits all”. The grassroots court the author working in, as a pilot court of the people jurors, explores actively and effectively relevant systems according to the geographical characteristics and trial reality. From the trial of facts and the trial of law of civil cases, the paper analyzes measures one by one the pilot court making in the practice and existing problems in the practical operation, combining the pilot practices and specific cases of the reform of the People Jury System. And this article, finally from the function orientation, system design and supporting measures, puts forward detailed suggestions on establishing the separation mechanism of the trial of facts and that of law in civil cases.
起訖頁 208-221
關鍵詞 人民陪審員事實審法律審People jurorstrial of factstrial of law
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 201711 (30期)
DOI 10.3966/615471682017110030011  複製DOI  DOI申請

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