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On Legal Education of University in Taiwan Region
作者 蘇南
中文摘要 本文檢討台灣地區大學校院法學教育與司法官及律師考試制度下產生如考試引導教學、學校教育無法因應社會需求、在職教育制度不健全等問題。為了解為何發展演變出當今不符社會期待的法學教育,首先介紹台灣地區大學院校設置法律學院及法律系所之過程,以發掘演變過程。其次介紹台灣地區之教學模式與課程安排,本文以台灣地區中正大學法律學系暨研究所與台灣地區雲林科技大學科技法律研究所為例,進行介紹與比較,深究台灣地區課程規劃之變革。最後針對台灣地區法學教育改革困難與建言,期待改善法學教育之缺失。
英文摘要 This article will investigate legal education and the examination system of judge, prosecutor and lawyers from universities and colleges in Taiwan Region, China, that  causing problems such as how examinations lead teaching, school educations cannot correspond with social needs, and defective system of education. To understand why legal education nowadays cannot correspond with social expectation, then introduce the program about establishment and transformation of department of law of universities and colleges in Taiwan, China. Follow up will introduce teaching patterns and curriculum arrangements. This article introduction ChungCheng University Department of Law and Yunlin University of Science and Technology Graduated School of Science and Technology Law in Taiwan Region of China as examples. After study and compare with these two examples, there will be a further discussion on reformation of lesson program of universities and colleges in Taiwan, China. Finally, this article will point out the difficulties and suggestions of reforming legal education in Taiwan, China, and refer to improve deficiency on legal education.
起訖頁 136-156
關鍵詞 法律系所法學教育案例式教學課程規劃教育改革epartment of laweducation of lawcase studycurriculum planningeducation reform
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 201711 (30期)
DOI 10.3966/615471682017110030007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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