篇名 | 農村徵地拆遷補償分配若干問題的探討 |
並列篇名 | On Several Problems of Rural Land Requisition Compensation Distribution |
作者 | 蔡日升 |
中文摘要 | 農村徵地拆遷(以下簡稱農村征遷)一直是社會關注的熱點和司法實務的難點,這不僅關係到農民的切身利益,更是關係到社會的長治久安及農村的城市化進程等。農村徵遷補償(包括補償款、拆遷安置等形式)分配糾紛是近年來各地法院(特別是基層法院)不斷湧現的案件。目前我國的立法規定尚未完善,司法解釋(包括答覆)“相互打架”,地方政策不一,法官在處理這類糾紛時,存在著依據不明、標準不清、裁量尺度如何把握的困境,導致各地在司法實踐中做法迥異。因此,對農村征遷補償分配糾紛進行研究,具有非常重要的理論意義和實踐價值。 |
英文摘要 | The removal of land in rural areas (hereinafter referred to as the rural resettlement) is always a difficult problem in the hot and the judicial practice of social concern, it is not only related to the peasants vital interests, is related to the longterm stability of rural society and the urbanization process. Rural resettlement compensation (including compensation, resettlement and other forms) distribution disputes is in recent years (especially the grassroots court) emerging cases. At present, our countrys legislation is not perfect yet, the judicial interpretation (including the reply) “fights”, not a local policy, the judge in dealing with such disputes, there exists a basis unknown, unclear standard, discretion scale how to grasp the dilemma, lead to different around the law in the judicial practice. Therefore, for the rural resettlement compensation distribution disputes research has very important theoretical significance and practical value. This paper in line with Chinas national conditions, combined with the actual case, to improve the rural resettlement compensation distribution disputes judicial response to conduct a preliminary study. We hope that this paper can help to make up for the loopholes in the legal system of our country, to benefit the judicial practice, in order to realize the relocation of farmers is the right of identity, the protection of property rights and collective village villager autonomy conflict and equity, effectively prevent and resolve the contradiction between the farmers and the village collective, safeguard social fairness and justice. |
起訖頁 | 174-190 |
關鍵詞 | 村集體、受理、征遷補償分配、成員資格、司法回應、the village collective、acceptance、relocation compensation distribution、membership、judicial response |
刊名 | 厦门大学法律评论 |
出版單位 | 廈門大學法學院 |
期數 | 201509 (26期) |
DOI | 10.3966/615471682015090026011 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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