篇名 | 論物權登記錯誤的訴訟救濟模式——行政訴訟受案範圍泛化的冷思考 |
並列篇名 | On the Mode of Litigable Relief for the Property Registration Errors - Pondering upon the generalizing scope of accepting administrative cases |
作者 | 申惠文 |
中文摘要 | 登記是物權變動的公示方法,當事人的意思起決定性作用。登記機構形式上審查登記申請材料,不能確保物權變動的真實性和有效性。當事人提交虛假材料導致物權登記錯誤,本質上屬於民事爭議,應當通過民事訴訟解決。“先民後行”、“先行後民”和“一併審理”都不是解決問題的最佳方案。隨著社會的轉型,國家權力要進行再分配,立法權引導改革,行政權退出不該管、管不好的領域,司法權更多地參與國家治理。《不動產登記條例》是物權法的程式法,應當明確規定登記同意原則。因登記申請人的原因造成物權登記錯誤,登記簿記載的權利人不同意更正登記,應當秉承私法救濟的理念。權利義務實際影響條款應當作為排除行政訴訟受案範圍的第五種事由,將有限的行政訴訟資源用在真正解決行政爭議上。 |
英文摘要 | Registration is the public method of property changes, at which the meaning of the parties play a decisive role. The registration organ formally censors the registration application materials not to ensure the authenticity and validity of property changes. If the parties submit false materials which cause an property registration error, it is a civil dispute essentially and should be resolved through civil litigation. Civil action before administrative action,Administrative action before civil action and Amalgamation of cognizance is not the best method to solve the problem. As the society is transforming now, the state power should be redistributed, the legislative right should guide the reform, the executive power should quit the areas by which should not and could not be managed, the judicial power should have a greater involvement of national governance. As the procedural law of the property law, Real Estate Registration Ordinance should clearly define the principle of registration consent. If the property registration errors were caused by the parties, right holders recorded in the register does not agree to correct the registration, we should uphold the concept of the private law remedies. |
起訖頁 | 152-167 |
關鍵詞 | 物權登記、民行交叉、更正登記請求權、不動產登記條例、登記同意原則、property registration、crossover of civil action and administrative action、correct registration request right、Real Estate Registration Ordinance、the principle of registration consent |
刊名 | 厦门大学法律评论 |
出版單位 | 廈門大學法學院 |
期數 | 201504 (25期) |
DOI | 10.3966/615471682015040025009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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