篇名 | 因果關係:被害人行為導入刑事歸責的另一路徑解析 |
並列篇名 | On another Path of Victim Behavior Leading in Criminal Culpability |
作者 | 劉國如 |
中文摘要 | 被害人行為除了當前學界經常討論的被害人學意義上的被害人過錯、阻卻違法性的被害人同意、防衛過當等情形外,還應包括犯罪行為發生後被害人實施的與犯罪性結果有因果關聯能影響犯罪行為定性的行為;此種被害人行為的因果歸責路徑將歸因與歸責視為一個有機的整體,在被害人行為介入案件的歸因上,對作為和非作為分別採用假想排除和作為代替方法來確定條件或事實原因,而在歸責上,則主要通過評價被害人行為從屬還是獨立于被告人行為確定其刑事歸責意義,即如果從屬於被告人行為,則不排除犯罪人與犯罪性結果之間的因果關聯,而如果是被害人故意而為,或存在重大失當行為,則應視為獨立而為之行為,可以作為被告人不定罪的理由。 |
英文摘要 | In addition to the victims fault in victimology, illegality obstructed victim consent and excessive defense etc. often discussed in the current academic circles, the victim behavior should also include the behavior after criminal offense that it has a causal relationship to crime results and can influence the crime qualitative. The causal imputation path regards attribution and imputation as an organic whole In the case of victim behavior intervention attribution, for action and Omission, hypothetical removal and substitute method can be used respectively to determine the condition or fact of reason, while in the imputation, then mainly through the evaluation of the victim behavior dependent or independent from the human behavior to determine its criminal responsibility sense, i.e if subordinate to the accused Human behavior, the causal relationship between defendant behavior and result is not excluded, but if the victim is intentional, or the presence of significant misconduct, the victims behavior is independent and can be used as reason for defendant innocence. |
起訖頁 | 175-187 |
關鍵詞 | 被害人行為、歸責路徑、因果關係、Behavior of Victims、Imputation Path、Causal Relationship |
刊名 | 厦门大学法律评论 |
出版單位 | 廈門大學法學院 |
期數 | 201411 (24期) |
DOI | 10.3966/615471682014110024011 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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