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The Regulatory Basis on Taiwan Depositary Receipts (TDR) in the Securities and Exchange Act
作者 王志誠
中文摘要 在2012年1月4日增訂證券交易法第165條之2規定之前,證券主管機關雖認為臺灣存託憑證(TDR)係屬「外國之其他具有投資性質之有價證券」,但司法實務上亦有判決認為,存託機構在我國內所發行之臺灣存託憑證,雖是「表彰存放於保管機構之外國發行人有價證券」,仍與該外國發行人在外國發行之「外國有價證券」本身有別,導致證券主管機關是否曾依證券交易法第6條第一項規定之授權,將臺灣存託憑證核定公告為證券交易法上之有價證券,產生重大爭議。至於我國於2012年1月4日增訂證券交易法第165條之2規定後,因已對於來我國第二上市或第二上櫃之有價證券,明定其有價證券在中華民國募集、發行及買賣之管理、監督,準用證券交易法第6條規定,臺灣存託憑證成為我國證券交易法上之有價證券,應無疑義,但司法實務上竟有判決認為證券交易法第165條之2之規範對象與臺灣存託憑證無關。本文期能釐清實務爭議之所在,並從解釋論之觀點提出管蠡之見,以杜爭議。
英文摘要 Prior to the stipulation of Article 165-2 of the Securities Exchange Act on January 4, 2012, the securities authority Identified by itself that it has announced the Taiwan Depositary Receipt was one of “other securities of foreign countries with investment nature”. However, some courts held that the Taiwan Depositary Receipt issued by the depositary institution in R.O.C. is still different from the “foreign securities” issued by the foreign company, although it is recognizing the securities in the account of the custodian institution which is issued by the foreign company. The major controversy is whether the securities authority has announced the Taiwan Depositary Receipt (TDR) belong to the securities under Paragraph 1, Article 6 of the Securities Exchange Act. As for the amendment of Article 165-2 of the Securities Exchange Act on January 4, 2012 in Taiwan, it has been identified Article 6 of the Securities Exchange Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the secondary listing or second cabinet of the securities which issued by the foreign company. That is the public offering, issuing, management and supervision in R.O.C. shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Article 6 of Securities Exchange Act. Therefore, there is no dispute about the Taiwan Depositary Receipt become the securities in the Securities Exchange Act. In fact, there are some courts held that the Taiwan Depositary Receipt does not regulated by the Article 165-2 of Securities Exchange Law. This paper will clarify the core point of the practical disputes, and put forward the views from the perspective of interpretation theory to eliminate the mentioned disputes.
起訖頁 39-70
關鍵詞 臺灣存託憑證有價證券第二上市第二上櫃Taiwan Depositary ReceiptSecuritiesSecondary ListingSecond Cabinet
刊名 交大法學評論
出版單位 陽明交通大學科技法律學院(原:交通大學科技法律研究所)
期數 201903 (4期)
DOI 10.3966/252302982019030004002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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