篇名 | 台灣奧運金牌教練的美麗與哀愁-以邱共鉦為例 |
並列篇名 | The Sense and Sorrow of Coaching Experiences from an Elite Olympic Taekwondo Coach and Gold Metal Creator- Kung-Cheng Chiu as an Example |
作者 | 蘇勝宏、邱共鉦、李建興 |
中文摘要 | 邱共鉦教練戰績輝煌,培育諸多國家代表隊選手,獲得各界肯定。其中以華人男子首面跆拳道奧運金牌之朱木炎選手的訓練成功經驗,更令人激賞。本研究目的在整理其跆拳道場上發光發熱的緣由與事跡,並探討其臺灣國家隊教練的難為之處。研究方法首先以文獻分析法彙集個案參與跆拳道之相關資料、部落格、臉書社群、報導、研究,進行統合整理。次以深入訪談法一對一深入訪談方式,瞭解個案教練的成長背景與擔任國家隊教練訓練過程之成就與感傷。研究發現:個案教練在學期間為傑出跆拳道優秀選手,大學畢業後仍不斷自我充實、學習,多年來擔任基層與國家隊教練,嶄露優異訓練成績。革命創新的訓練與戰術,協助國家獲得奧運金牌,引領世界跆拳道技術風潮。然而,國家教練不合理待遇、人選公平性、不確定的未來、學制排序、工作與家庭之角色衝突,造成其美麗的哀愁。 |
英文摘要 | Kung-Cheng Chiu is recognized for his achievement of cultivating elite athletes toward combat gains of the Olympic Taekwondo gold medal. The most encouraging and inspiring record was the first Chinese male Taekwondo gold medal, which was gained by one of his Taiwanese students, Mu Yen Chu. The purpose of this study was to lead out the cause and effect of how Kung-Cheng Chiu obtained outstanding accomplishments and conquered obstacles. This study used literature review on relative data. Furthermore, in-depth interview was conducted for revealing participant’s background and coaching experiences. The results indicated that (1) coach Chiu was a magnificent Taekwondo elite student athlete. (2)His self-learning efficacy with knowledge and concept to professionalize which develops impressive outcome. (3) As a Taekwondo coach, he supervises students to keep learning innovative techniques and strategies and teaches students to win the international competition with positive and active moves. (4) Role conflict between family and work due to long and unstable coaching schedule explains the unfair treatment toward coaching system. |
起訖頁 | 065-076 |
關鍵詞 | 運動員、角色衝突、競技運動、Elite Athlete、Role Conflict、Sport Competition |
刊名 | 跆拳道學刊 |
出版單位 | 台灣跆拳道運動學會 |
期數 | 201511 (2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/251969952015110002006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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