篇名 | 不同技能水準的跆拳道選手對滑步旋踢攻擊前線索表現及預期能力之比較研究 |
並列篇名 | The Comparison of Pre-cue Availability and Anticipation Ability of Slide Round House Kick Among Taekwondo Athletes with Different Skill Levels |
作者 | 曾敬翔、楊復傑、陳宜蓁 |
中文摘要 | 目的:本研究在比較不同技能水準的跆拳道選手,對於滑步旋踢攻擊動作的前線索表現程度以及預期能力。方法:以36位(男生18位、女生18位)不同技能水準的跆拳道選手為受試者,每組18位跆拳道選手,優秀組平均身高(171.3±5.22)cm、平均體重(63.9±6.31)kg、平均年齡(17.36±1.67)歲;一般組組平均身高(170.1±7.54)cm、平均體重(62.5±6.76)kg、平均年齡(17.16±1.23)歲。以正面攝影的方式拍攝受試者的滑步旋踢攻擊前120、160及200毫秒等畫面,每幅畫面長2秒鐘。將剪輯後的畫面編輯成測驗程式,讓受試者對所有畫面進行判斷,判斷一般跳動預備姿勢或是即將實施旋踢攻擊。將每位選手正確判斷的次數視為該選手的預期能力得分,每位選手本身的影片被正確預期的次數視為該選手的前線索暴露程度得分,並以二因子變異數分析進行統計考驗,交互作用效果若達顯著水準,則進一步進行單純主要效果考驗及事後比較。結果:一、優秀組的跆拳道選手,對於滑步旋踢攻擊前各時段的動作預期能力,優於一般組選手(p<.05)。二、優秀組的跆拳道選手,在從事滑步旋踢攻擊前各時段,比一般組有較少的前線索暴露。結論:一、技能水準較高的選手,比起一般組具有較高的預期能力。二、技能水準較高的選手,比起一般組出現較少的前線索表現,不容易正確被預期。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this was to compare the pre-cue availability and anticipation ability of Slide─Round House Kick among Taekwondo athlete with different skill level. 36 Taekwondo athletes, 18 males and 18 females participated as subjects who were further divided into elite level: height=171.3±5.22cm, weight=63.9±6.31kg, age=17.36±1.67 yr. middle level: height=170.1±7.54cm, weight=62.5±6.76kg, age=17.16±1.23 yr. The preparation Slide─Round House Kick of the subjects were filmed. The frames were cut into different types including 120ms, 160ms and 200ms before kicking. Each frame was 2-second long. The subjects were assigned to recognize all the frames from all subjects. The number of correct recognition was considered as the score of anticipation ability. And the number of the frame of each subject recognized correctly by all subjects was considered as the score of pre-cue availability. Two-way mixed design factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare main effect and interaction. Post hoc was carried out by using method. Results: First of all, the elite athletes revealed significantly pre-cue availability than middle athletes. Second, the elite athletes revealed significantly higher anticipation ability than middle athletes. Conclusion: The elite athletes revealed lower pre-cue availability than the middle and beginner athletes. |
起訖頁 | 025-032 |
關鍵詞 | 技能水平、預判能力、反應時間、skill level、anticipation ability、reaction time |
刊名 | 跆拳道學刊 |
出版單位 | 台灣跆拳道運動學會 |
期數 | 201511 (2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/251969952015110002003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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