篇名 | 大專跆拳道選手速度、下肢力量與協調能力關係之探討 |
並列篇名 | To Analysis of Speed, Lower limb Strength and Coordination Skills in University Taekwondo Players |
作者 | 陳奕勳、王月琪、朱木炎 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的主要在於探討大專跆拳道選手速度、下肢力量與協調能力之關係。方法:研究對象為34名不同量級男女跆拳道選手,測試方式分為下蹲跳 (Counter Movement Jump, CMJ) 、協調測試與20m直線衝刺。每項測試進行兩次,取最佳成績作為分析。結果:所有受試者整體表現於速度測試、垂直跳與協調性,分別為39.95 ±8.17 (cm)、11.9 ±0.79 (s)、與3.15 ±0.18 (s),三項不同能力間均達顯著相關性。結論:跆拳道選手之速度能力、下肢力量與協調三項能力間皆具有高度之顯著相關。因此本研究建議於訓練時,可以增加短距離速度、協調和下肢力量之訓練,提昇其基礎體能再與專項能力互相結合。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was investigate to the correlation between speed, lower limb strength and coordination skills in University Taekwondo athletes. The method of testing is each of the 32 different weight and gender taekwondo players test to counter movement jump (CMJ) , coordination and sprint (20m) , each one and two times of each person. Results: Sprint, CMJ and coordination were 3.15 ±0.18 (s)、39.95 ±8.17 (cm)、11.9 ±0.79 (s) . Three different abilities are derived correlation between (r> 0.5) , and p = 0.000. Conclusion: Taekwondo athletes of Speed, lower limb strength and coordination capabilities between all three capabilities significantly correlated with height. Therefore, this study suggests that regardless of any gender and middleweight in training, can increase the sprint training, coordination and lower limb strength training, improve their basic physical and then with the special ability combined with each other. |
起訖頁 | 001-014 |
關鍵詞 | CMJ跳躍、短距離衝刺、基礎體能、CMJ、Sprint、Basic skills |
刊名 | 跆拳道學刊 |
出版單位 | 台灣跆拳道運動學會 |
期數 | 201405 (1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/251969952014050001001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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