篇名 | 虛擬網絡行動者角色與政策審議品質關係之研究:一個應用社會網絡分析法的探索 |
並列篇名 | Exploring the Relationship between Role Playing and Deliberative Quality in Virtual Network: An Application of Social Network Analysis on PTT |
作者 | 謝儲鍵、陳敦源 |
中文摘要 | 資訊科技的進步,促使虛擬社群成為快速連結訊息的管道。批踢踢對時事討論之便利,間接提升全民參與及開放政府的思維,並結合社群平台提升虛擬網絡的力量。政策審議品質主要透過行動者角色結構,瞭解討論內容的收斂與品質指標衡量。本研究以批踢踢政策版「二代健保政策」議題,觀察回覆內容與評估發言品質,分析在虛擬平台中,參與討論的行動者角色,瞭解互動關係與發言過程,試圖析論虛擬網絡之中心者、中介者與掮客等角色,瞭解整體審議品質,希望藉此給予未來政策討論的多元思考。 研究發現,在網絡中,高度中心者多為學生,重要中介者則有分析師與醫療相關人員,負責傳遞、發布健保制度訊息。中心者並未如預期成為掮客,而是高發言品質者成為訊息收斂的促進者;高負向中心性的行動者,會造成網絡資訊的間斷;發言次數較少,卻提供豐富資訊者,具有橋樑及掮客功能;具醫學專業背景者,雖受到回應者的質疑與挑戰,但未離開討論場域,繼續參與達到訊息收斂,且菁英主導議題的情況並不顯著。批踢踢具有時間與空間彈性,吸引具國際經驗者參與,達到深入持續的對話。最後,審議品質衡量分析顯示,「尊重性」與「合理性」是有效連結對話與訊息收斂的重要影響指標,具品質提升的正向效益。 |
英文摘要 | Along with the progress of information technologies, the virtual communities become the important path to expand information and connection. The trend for users of PPT initiates the thinking of “Open Government” and “Citizen Participation”. Based on convenience of technologies and combination of community oranizatiobns, the interpersonal relationship is more frequent and enhances the power of virtual networks. PTT is one of the most popular tools for users in Taiwan to discuss the social issues. This papers aims to understand the interactions and structures from the relationship between virtural network and discussion quality to evaluate the effect and convergence of context. Therefore, this research heads to analyze these factors of “Centrality”, “Betweenness Degree” and “Structural Holes” to draw a graph for actor participating in the policy domain. The result demonstrates that the actors don’t have obvious hierarchical differences. The actors of high centrality who are negative prestige cause information suspension. Otherwise, the actors who are speechless and high quality become the bridges for policy connections. Also, they are brokers. The research claims that the elites don’t control and dominate the issues to an imbalance condition in virtual networks. PTT is more flexible for time and space to attract more actors who have international and multiple experiences engaging in the policy domain. Finally, the evaluation for deliberation shows “respect” and “reasonable” are two important criteria to network actors to enhance the positive effect for discussion quality. |
起訖頁 | 063-109 |
關鍵詞 | 批踢踢實業坊、社會網絡分析、政策審議、虛擬網絡、網絡治理、PTT、social network analysis、policy deliberation、virtual network、network governance |
刊名 | 民主與治理 |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學政治學系 |
期數 | 201602 (3:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2311505X2016020301003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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