  1. 熱門:
The Evaluation of Public-private Partnership in Elder Service Delivery: The Preliminary Investigation and Reflection of the Community Care Station in Tainan City
作者 王光旭陳筠芳



In an age of fiscal constraints and citizens’ growing demands, contracting-out and public-private partnership (PPP) have been seen as one of the best strategies to cope with the challenges. Hence, the collaborative mechanism such as welfare mix in service delivery recently has become a popular theme in public administration and social policy and effective partnership is important for service provision. However, most scholars stand upon the viewpoint of “government-centred” to discuss how to reduce the cost by monitoring the firm or voluntary and community sector (VCS), entirely neglect the possibility that government is trouble maker for partnership failure. This paper attempts to answer that how transaction cost posed by government might lead to the service failure by investigating the community care station in Tainan city. In regard to methodology, 23 community care stations sampled to represent all stations in Tainan and both questionnaire and in-deep interview are applied to collection data. The finding indicates that oneway communication between the government and station, government staff turnover, and the annual assessment for stations are main factors to impact on the effectiveness of the community care station. Thus, in order to reach the goal of effective PPP in service delivery, it can be argued that the transaction cost posed by the government and by the firm should pay equal attention to evaluate and manage well.

起訖頁 001-035
關鍵詞 公私合夥社區照顧關懷據點社區與志願組織社會服務契約福利多元主義public-private partnershipcommunity care stationvoluntary and community sector (VCS)contracting-out of social servicewelfare pluralism
刊名 民主與治理
出版單位 國立中正大學政治學系
期數 201502 (2:1期)
DOI 10.3966/2311505X2015020201001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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