篇名 | 跨域治理下的政策執行:對政策網絡與理性選擇比較與整合的方法論評估 |
並列篇名 | Policy Implementation under Boundary-spanning Governance: A Methodological Evaluation of the Comparison and Integration in Policy Network and Rational Choice Theories |
作者 | 王光旭、陳敦源 |
中文摘要 | 對公共行政研究者而言,國家所面對的治理環境日益複雜,導致理論上勢必要針對此一情形提出應變之道。政策網絡分析與理性選擇理論在西方的興起與流行,反映政府與學界在詮釋政策現象的殷切需求。現實上,兩者皆提供觀察複雜世界的方法,避免過於國家中心論或社會中心論的政策思維;理論上,兩者皆有為社會科學研究中結構(structure)與行動(agency)的方法困境尋求解決之道的企圖心。本研究嘗試透過方法論的探討,檢視兩者間在解釋政策現象的異同之處,並期望透過理論性評估進行方法的比較與整合,以跨域治理環境下的政策執行作為主要評估背景,以期能提供研究者與政府以更細緻的角度來觀察現實的政策現象。首先,以政策執行理論的發展為始,透過蒐集國內、外研究文獻,從方法論的角度探討兩個研究傳統,並透過理論上的比較與整合,試圖建構一整合性分析架構作為觀察經驗世界的理論基礎。研究結果發現,透過方法論的比較與整合,建構出「網絡治理的理性機制」,以綜合網絡分析與理性選擇來分析複雜動態政策現象的優點。然本分析架構仍需進一步累積經驗研究成果,以修正並精緻化於經驗研究的適用性。 |
英文摘要 | For Public Administration and Policy scholars, the biggest challenge to those contemporary policy implementation theories is how to understand and manage the complicated boundary-spanning governance environment. Rational choice theory and policy network theory are two different approaches popularly applied in dealing with policy process and expected not only to simply understand the complicated policy environment but also to solve social problems. However, they also have their own limits in policy process’s explanation and interpretation. The paper aims to find out a better analytical framework by evaluating and integrating both approaches methodically to fit the theoretical and practical demands for policy implementation scenario today. Thus, the new approach, the model of rational mechanism of network governance is constructed by combining previous two approaches to provide a more comprehensive and sophisticated theory for understanding the complicated political phenomenon in policy process. |
起訖頁 | 001-034 |
關鍵詞 | 方法論、政策執行、政策網絡、理性選擇、跨域治理、methodology、policy implementation、policy network、rational choice、boundary-spanning governance |
刊名 | 民主與治理 |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學政治學系 |
期數 | 201408 (1:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2311505X2014080102001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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