篇名 | 觀光工廠重遊意願因素之研究 |
並列篇名 | A Study on the Factors of Revisiting willingness of Tourism Factory |
作者 | 郭東昇、蕭莨錡 |
中文摘要 | 隨著經濟快速發展,台灣的中小企業臨越來越多競爭者。許多傳統產業由於無法突破現狀,以至於難以在市場上生存。觀光工廠為目前台灣休閒產業的熱門趨勢,其所提供的體驗活動是休閒產業中新穎的行銷方式。然而,觀光工廠能否以體驗行銷及服務品質滿足遊客,進而提升遊客重遊意顧,實為重要的研究議題。本研究以觀光工廠的遊客為研究對象,對觀光工廠的內部活動進行體驗行銷、休閒涉入、服務品質與重遊意願之研究。研究結果顯示,體驗行銷、休閒涉入與服務品質均對重遊意願有正向顯著影響。研究最後提出相關建議,以提供業者改善體驗行銷活動之參考,以提昇更好的服務品質。 |
英文摘要 | With the rapid development of economy, many small and medium businesses in Taiwan are facing more and more competitors. Many traditional industries therefore are difficult to survive due to the inability to break the status quo. Tourism factory is a new type of leisure industry. The experience activity it provided is a new way of marketing in leisure industries. However, it is an important issue of whether the tourists would revisit the tourism factory due to its experience marketing and service quality. Based on the data collected from tourism factory's tourists, this study investigate the tourism factory’s inside activities to discuss the relationships among experience marketing, leisure involvement, service quality and revisiting willingness. Finally, according to result to propose conclusion and suggestion as offer businesses to improve marking activities' reference to promote prefect service quality. |
起訖頁 | 121-129 |
關鍵詞 | 觀光工廠、體驗行銷、休閒涉入、服務品質、重遊意願、Tourism Factory、Experiential Marketing、Leisure Involvement、Service Quality、Revisiting Willingness |
刊名 | 觀光與休閒管理期刊 |
出版單位 | 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會 |
期數 | 201406 (2:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2225949X2014050201010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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