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The Development of a Knowledge Management System for Tourism and Hospitality Interns
作者 何昶鴛林俞君薛夙珍
中文摘要 休閒觀光餐旅管理科系大學生可透過校外實習獲得與職場有關的整合性知識與管理技能。知識管理的概念已被產業界應用於實務管理。本研究呈現如何將知識管理的概念轉化為學習工具並應用於校外實習課程的相關作法,包括:探討知識管理的系統架構,以及建置校外實習知識管理系統(KMS)。本研究首先進行相關文獻探討,獲取研究的理論依據,以及採用半結構式訪談法訪談30位已完成校外實習的學生,詢問其實習時可能遭遇的問題與對於建置系統的看法。其後,根據訪談與資料分析結果,運用KMS軟體Vital KM設計與建構具體的校外實習KMS,其重要功能包括:簡潔且完整的知識文件呈現、高效能的文件搜尋與擷取、有意義的關聯讓文件構成完整的知識、多維度的自動分類與收納、以及個人化設計。本研究之研究結果可可作為相關系所進行校外實習知識管理並建構所需的系統架構的參考依據。 此外,本研究亦提出研究建議作為後續研究者思考的方向。
英文摘要 Students in tourism and hospitality management curriculum are expected to gain an essential body of integrated knowledge and to develop management skills relevant to their future profession from the internship. Knowledge management (KM) has emerged to be one of management concepts in the industry. This paper presents the application of KM as a learning tool for intern students. To achieve the goal, first, relevant literature review and the discussions on the issues of KM and internship were applied to construct a concept structure. Then, the interviews with 30 interns were conducted to understand their needs regarding the knowledge contents and the KM functions. Finally, by applying the knowledge management system (KMS) software of Vital KM, the concrete internship KMS was designed and developed from student perspective. This KMS consists of the general features, including autonomous acquisition, intelligent classification, autonomous relativity, personalization and autonomous abstracting. The research results offer the references in terms of the KMS framework for internship. It is also suggested that the future research may enhance the extent to which the academic institutes implement KM practices into students’ curriculum learning.
起訖頁 008-024
關鍵詞 校外實習知識管理知識管理系統觀光休閒餐旅管理系學生InternshipKnowledge managementKnowledge management systemUniversity students in tourism and hospitality management curriculum
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
期數 201406 (2:1期)
DOI 10.3966/2225949X2014050201002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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