篇名 | 置入性行銷中政府單位與節目製作的互動研究:一個ICRT《客家風情》節目的觀察 |
並列篇名 | The Interactive Relationship Study between Government and Program Production Unit in Placement Marketing: A Case Study for We Love Hakka |
作者 | 吳翠松、羅賢君 |
中文摘要 | 本研究欲了解客委會對委製之客語廣播教學節目的影響主要在哪個層面?這些客語廣播教學節目規畫策略(包含定位、產製過程、翻譯選取標準)為何?對於製作單位來說,在節目製作過程中,最大的困難為何?研究者選取了廣受好評的ICRT《客家風情》節目做為探討的對象,並深度訪談了三位節目主持人Joseph Lin、彭月春與黃紹彬。 研究結果發現,客家委員會對《客家風情》節目的影響主要是在節目的內容設計部分,像是客家話的比例、客語的腔調和客家節慶及活動的置入性行銷等,在節目的內容設計方針上,雖然是尊重主持人的專業,但遇有政策上的要求,客家委員會擁有絕對的主導權。節目定位在外國的閱聽眾身上,內容分為兩大塊,一為日常用語,一為文化習俗介紹;影響內容產製的部分,主要有兩大因素,一為文化翻譯的難度,另一個則是贊助單位的檢查和建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to explore the influence of Hakka Affair Council for appointed broadcasting educational programs? What is the Hakka broadcasting educational programs Planning Policy? What is the diffculty in program production process for production units? The researchers selected ICRT We love Hakka program as exploring objects, and adopt in-depth interviews with the three show host Joseph Lin, Yue-Chun Peng, and Shao-Bin Huang. The research results revealed that influence of Hakka Affair Council for appointed broadcasting educational programs is mainly in the content design part of the program, such as the ratio of Hakka, Hakka accent and Hakka festivals and activitie’s placement marketing etc.. In the Hakka broadcasting educational programs planning Policy section, We love Hakka located in foreign’s audience, program was divided into two blocks, one for everyday language, the other for introduction to cultural practices. In the influence factor for the content of the program production section, there are two major factors, one is the difficulty of cultural translation, and the other is the recommend sponsorship units. |
起訖頁 | 043-065 |
關鍵詞 | ICRT《客家風情》、政府置入性行銷、客語教學節目、節目製作、ICRT We love Hakka、government placement marketing、Hakka teaching programs、program production |
刊名 | 客家公共事務學報 |
出版單位 | 國立中央大學客家學院 |
期數 | 201405 (9期) |
DOI | 10.3966/222269822014050009003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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