篇名 | 苗栗客家地方社會的衝突調解─以苗栗縣獅潭鄉調解委員會為例 |
並列篇名 | Mediation of Hakka Local Social Conflict: A Study of the Mediation Committee of Shihtan Township in Miaoli County |
作者 | 黃世明、王千道 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以苗栗縣獅潭鄉客家地方社會的衝突調解為主題,分析調解與民俗、民德、法律的交互關係,探究地方社會的調解功能、調解對衝突功能的作用以及調解成立於否對於衝突解決的認定等研究主題。整理文獻以解析衝突與調解的關聯性、調解制度的結構功能與變遷發展;其次則分析多年累積的調解案件之文本內容,結合訪談法以及參與觀察法,探究調解功能的發揮與衝突解決的問題。 研究結果如下:一、調解制度的變遷,審核調解委員資格之機關由鄉民代表會移轉至法院,並未如預期得以審核產出更具有能力的調解委員,反而喪失了民意機關的監督功能。二、客庄地區的民俗、民德與相關法律,對調解有不同程度的影響,其中以地方派系勢力涉入民俗實踐邏輯,對調解的運作影響最大。三、調解成立,不表示衝突一定能解決;調解不成立,也不表示衝突無法解決,關鍵在於調解後,衝突雙方當事人的態度與採取的因應行動。 |
英文摘要 | The object of this study is Hakka area Shihtan township in Miaoli County; the theme of the study is the mediation of local social conflict; analyses of the relationship between mediation and folk custom, people’s virtue and law. According to the study theme, qualitative research method is utilized. The results of the research are: 1. With the changes of mediation system, the organization which possesses the qualification of auditing mediation committee is changed from Township Representative Council to court, if more capable mediators can’t be designated as expected, then the supervision function of public opinion organization will be lost. 2 .Folk custom, people’s virtue and law have different influence on the mediation, among which the local factional forces involving in the practical folk custom and logics affect the mediation the most significantly. 3. If the mediation is sustained, it doesn’t mean that the conflict can be solved; if the mediation isn’t sustained, it doesn’t mean that the conflict can’t be solved either. The key point is the attitude and the action taken by the parties involved in after the mediation. |
起訖頁 | 001-024 |
關鍵詞 | 調解、調解功能、調解制度、衝突、mediation、function of mediation、mediating system、conflict |
刊名 | 客家公共事務學報 |
出版單位 | 國立中央大學客家學院 |
期數 | 201405 (9期) |
DOI | 10.3966/222269822014050009001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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