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‘Lovely English’: A Pilot Study on the Development of a Taiwanese Dialect of English
作者 Steven Schaufele
中文摘要 目前為「全世界最喜愛的第二語言」,英文不再受限於現為或曾經為以英文為母語的國家;在多數國家興起了各種各具特色的英文用語。這個論文探討的是特定一個台灣的英文用語發展,而其在幾個方面有別於「標準國際英語」:字彙(指標準國際英語內的一些字彙的詞義有所改變)、使用方法(指特定一些字彙的詞彙共現有所改變)、還有句法(指排斥特定的一些英文構成順序的限制的)。有提供建議給一些具有潛力的延伸研究區塊。
英文摘要 Currently ‘the whole world's second language of choice’ (Schäufele, 2013, p. 399), English is not restricted to places that are now or have been at some point in the past part of some Anglophone empire; distinctive dialects of English are arising in just about every country. This paper addresses the development of a specifically Taiwanese dialect of English, that differs from ‘Standard International English’ at several levels: vocabulary (in the alteration of the meanings of words that already exist in Standard International English), usage (in the alteration of co-occurrence constraints regarding certain words), and syntax (in the rejection of certain specific limitations on English constituent order). Suggestions are offered for possibly profitable areas of further research.
起訖頁 187-203
關鍵詞 台式英文用語在台灣的英文Taiwanese EnglishdialectEnglish in Taiwan
刊名 華岡英語期刊
出版單位 中國文化大學英國語文學系
期數 201312 (19:1期)
DOI 10.3966/221880882013121901008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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