篇名 | 從認知觀點看現代羌族的誕生 |
並列篇名 | The Birth of Modern Qiang-People: From Cognitive Perspective |
作者 | 胡正光 |
中文摘要 | 族群理論中,Rogers Brubaker的認知觀點雖未受到足夠的重視,但卻有許多足堪借鏡之處。因此本研究舉出王明珂的「邊緣理論」作為檢討的對象,將焦點由「族群實體」轉向「族群性」來觀察族群現象,嘗試以新方法整合不同觀點之間的爭辯。 從理論面來說,本研究認為「邊緣」的出現有時帶有機遇的性質,邊緣理論和目前的族群理論一樣傾向解釋「族群分立」的狀態,忽略同化的趨勢,而使得族群出現的機遇性因素也未受到正視。不僅如此,由於將「根基歷史」當成原生論的證據,使得「邊緣理論」失去了它建構論式的解釋力,但從認知論來看,根基歷史與建構論並不相衝突。 不過就目前來看,由於認知機制仍然難以從生理學做完整的解釋,Brubaker 的方法尚難以獨立成為一個具足夠解釋力的理論,還需尋求與其他理論的結合。 |
英文摘要 | From Rogers Brubaker’s theoretical concepts, this paper will review Ming-Ke Wang’s “border study” of the Qiang-people. Brubaker’s cognitive perspective on ethnic studies is an approach which has not been paid enough attention to, but I argue that it can bring much benefit to the border studies. To integrate primordial, instrumental, as well as the constructionist point of views, here we choose to focus on “ethnicity” rather than on the “ethnic group”. I further illustrate that the emergence of the so-called “border ethnic groups” can be strongly contingent. Yet previous studies using “border approach” and the prevalent theories have paid most attention on the issue of ethnic boundary-making, so they have overlooked the phenomenon of assimilation inclination. On the foundation of cognitive perspective, primordial history does not necessarily contradict with constructionism. Indeed, Brubaker’s cognitive perspective still has its constraint. If neurobiology cannot explicit the mechanisms of how human cognition is constructed, it is hard to take Brubaker’s method as an alternative to prevalent theories. This paper proposes that such approach should be consolidated with other sociological theories, such as Luhmann’s system theory, to improve its implication on the cognitive perspective and ethnic studies in the future. |
起訖頁 | 153-186 |
關鍵詞 | 羌族、根基歷史、族群、族群性、認知觀點、the Qiang、primordial history、ethnic group、ethnicity、cognitive perspective |
刊名 | 社會分析 |
出版單位 | 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 |
期數 | 201508 (11期) |
DOI | 10.3966/221866892015080011004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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