篇名 | 領先使用者與社會技術創新:台灣太陽光電的示範應用發展 |
並列篇名 | Lead User and Socio-Technical Innovation: The Demonstration Application of Photovoltaic in Taiwan |
作者 | 陳惠萍 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以台灣最早一批申請設置太陽光電系統的個人住宅用戶作為研究對象,探討領先使用者如何參與社會技術創新。在研究方法上,本研究主要以深度訪談、二手文獻分析和田野觀察等方式,檢視台灣太陽光電示範應用的發展歷程。本研究發現在太陽光電的初期拓展過程中,有一群推廣單位未著重考量的使用者,主動納入其中。這些使用者可大致分為三種類型:一、對於世界潮流、環境議題具有高敏感度的環保理念者;二、連結再生能源獨立發電用途的實用型使用者;三、預期能從中獲益的市場先驅者。更重要的是,這群使用者也參與了太陽光電系統的修正與改良:從獨立型到併聯型的形式轉變中,「雙向電表」的關鍵問題並非由工程專家所事先預見,而是小型家戶在使用過程中察覺,進而與其他相關行動者共同協調解決。過去有關新興科技系統的建立大多以科學家/工程師、企業、政府作為主要推手,本研究從特定一批使用者的參與行動,彰顯出常民並非僅是受到召喚、教育與啟蒙的末端使用者,其也可能是系統建置的重要行動者。總結而言,本研究主張推動者應藉由連結公民參與及科技使用脈絡的民主化創新設計,以邁向再生能源的社會技術系統轉型。 |
英文摘要 | The present study focuses on the first group of residential users who applied for the installation of photovoltaic systems and how they participate in socio-technical innovation. In terms of the research method, I utilizes in-depth interview, secondary literature analysis and field observations to explore the development history of photovoltaic demonstration applications. This article found that during the early stages of expansion of photovoltaic systems, a group of users not emphasized by the promoters actively included themselves in the development. Such users can be divided into the three following categories: (1) environmentalists who are highly sensitive to the world trend and environmental issues; (2) practical users who wish to connect renewable energy and independently generate energy; and (3) market pioneers who expect to benefit from the technology. Most importantly, this group of users also participated in the revision and improvement of photovoltaic systems: The key issue with the two-way smart meter resulted from the transformation of stand-alone system to grid-connected system were not anticipated by the engineers. On the contrary, it was first detected by residential users and then solved by coordinating with related actors. Lastly, this study pointed out that in the past, technological systems were driven by scientists, engineers, corporations and the government. However, from the participation of a group of users, the present study shows that lay users are not simply end-users who require enrollment, education and enlightenment. Rather, they may play a key role in the system establishment process. To sum up, in order to move toward the transition of the socio-technical system of renewable energy, I suggest that the promoters of the technology should integrate the experiences of the users and the participation of citizens into the technology to build a democratizing innovation design. |
起訖頁 | 087-125 |
關鍵詞 | 太陽光電、民主化創新、再生能源、領先使用者、photovoltaic、democratizing innovation、renewable energy、lead user |
刊名 | 社會分析 |
出版單位 | 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 |
期數 | 201502 (10期) |
DOI | 10.3966/221866892015020010003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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