篇名 | 身體質量指數對北台灣青少年同儕關係和自尊發展的影響 |
並列篇名 | The Impacts of Body Mass Index on Northern Taiwanese Adolescents' Peer Relations and Self-Esteem Development |
作者 | 范綱華 |
中文摘要 | 既有文獻指出,體型過胖的青少年較常被取笑,和同儕的互動關係比較差,自尊也較低。但少有研究檢視體型、同儕關係、自尊三者的關聯機制與性別和年齡的交互作用。本研究以台灣青少年成長歷程研究資料庫中的1,742 名青少年為樣本,使用交叉延宕方格分析(cross-laggedpanel analysis)方法,檢視身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)與15 歲和18 歲男女青少年同儕關係與自尊的關聯。結果顯示,BMI對自尊的直接負面影響,對15 歲男性和18 歲女性最顯著;BMI透過同儕關係對自尊的間接負面影響,則對18 歲女性較顯著。但是,BMI 與自尊的負相關並非線性:BMI增加對體型過瘦、適中者的自尊有較明顯的負面影響,但是對體型過胖者的影響反而不明顯。自尊對青少年體型改變的影響,則只對女性青少年顯著。 |
英文摘要 | Prior research has shown that, the overweight adolescents are more likely to be teased, have worse interactions with peers, and have lower self-esteem. Nevertheless, few research examine whether the mechanisms between body size, peer relation, and self-esteem interact with gender and age. Accordingly, this study use the penal data (N=1,742) drawn from the Taiwan Youth Project and apply cross-lagged panel analysis to examine the association between body mass index (BMI), peer relations, and self-esteem for boys and girls in age 15 and age 18. Results suggest that, the negative association between BMI and self-esteem is more significant for 15-year-old males and 18-year-old females. The indirect negative effect of BMI on self-esteem though peer relation is more significant among 18-year-old female adolescents. However, the association between BMI and self-esteem is not linear. The increase of BMI tend to have negative impacts on self-esteem for the underweight or normal-weight adolescents, but not for the overweight ones. The impact of self-esteem on change of body size is only found significant among female teenagers. |
起訖頁 | 085-116 |
關鍵詞 | 同儕關係、自尊、身體質量指數、青少年、體型、peer relation、self-esteem、BMI、adolescent、body size |
刊名 | 社會分析 |
出版單位 | 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系 |
期數 | 201402 (8期) |
DOI | 10.3966/221866892014020008003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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