篇名 | 家庭暴力事件之偽證處罰──被害人創傷後壓力症之考量 |
並列篇名 | PTSD and Perjury Punishment in Domestic Violence Cases |
作者 | 張明偉 |
中文摘要 | 如何防止家庭暴力事件的發生,並對被害人提供必要的保護,在現代社會中已成為全民重視的重要課題。雖然我國已於1988年制定家庭暴力防治法,然而,在家庭暴力防治法之立法與歷次修正過程中,並未考量被害人地位,以至於衍生將家暴被害人之偽證行為與其他非家暴案件之偽證行為等同視之,是否符合家庭暴力防治法第1條保護被害人之立法意旨之疑義。本文借鏡美國家暴法制發展之經驗,就家庭暴力防治法所定之部分家庭成員不得拒絕證言,是否有違刑事訴訟法設置拒絕證言制度之規範意旨,予以分析檢討。 |
英文摘要 | It is an important issue to prevent domestic violence and provide necessary protection for victims in a modern society. Although the ROC Anti-Domestic-Violence Act was passed in 1988, the law makers has never considered the status of the victim during legislation and amendment process which results in a problem whether making the victim to be a criminal perjury defendant complies with the goal of the Act. This paper bases upon the American experiences to analyze and discuss whether denying the privilege of a domestic violence victim in a criminal procedure is against the purpose of the privilege system. |
起訖頁 | 35-55 |
關鍵詞 | 家庭暴力、被害人創傷後壓力症、偽證、拒絕證言權、強制逮捕、Domestic Violence、PTSD、Perjury、Privilege、Mandatory Arrest |
刊名 | 醫事法學 |
出版單位 | 中華民國醫事法律學會 |
期數 | 201512 (22:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207976642015122202003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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