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The Exclusion in Consumer Bankruptcy Proceedings – What Is Its Value and How Does It Practice
作者 郭玉林
中文摘要 消費者債務清理條例作為我國破產制度之一環,必須能發揮其程序法面向之功能:使消費者債務人得藉由法定程序以重建經濟能力。著眼於消費者債務清理事件之清算程序,為保護擔保物權之交易安全,設有別除權之規定,然而此項別除權之行使,不應害及清算程序之制度目的。本文從清算程序之程序法功能,分析與別除權利害相關之擔保債權人、一般債權人、債務人三方面各自應顧慮之價值,藉以釐清別除權之內涵及目的,進一步討論別除權於清算程序中權利行使之方法及界限。
英文摘要 This article, concentrating on the exclusion in consumer bankruptcy proceedings, analyses the different merit along all parties involved and tries to mitigate the conflicts. From the perspective of procedural law, it is crucial to see if a debtor can liquidate debts in the procedure under the Consumer Debts Clearance Act which prescribes the consumer bankruptcy system. With respect to the stability of economic, the law enables the secured creditor to claim exclusion on the collateral. When it comes to how and when the creditor should decide to claim exclusion, however, the approach is not specified in the statute text. Interpretation consequently is significant. This process-oriented view holds that the liquidation proceedings should not become inappropriately ineffective or incapable because of the exclusion. Furthermore, a debtor should be granted a due opportunity to receive a discharge. Clarifying the interests of secured and unsecured creditors as well as the debtor, it is possible to draw the functions and limitations of the exclusion in liquidation procedure under the Consumer Debts Clearance Act. Since values of the exclusion are pondered in the bankruptcy process, the court will settle down related issues in a prudent and practical spectrum.
起訖頁 72-82
關鍵詞 別除權清算程序消費者債務清理免責擔保債權ExclusionLiquidationConsumer BankruptcyDischargeSecured Claim
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201807 (73期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362018070073008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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