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“Run! The Cops Are Coming! ”: The Dilemma of Warrantless Searches: Comments on the Decision of Taoyuan District Court Yi No. 1143 (2014)
作者 羅國榮
中文摘要 緊急搜索屬於令狀原則之例外,又未經相對人同意,其發動要件及執行範圍應如何拿捏,極具學理及實務上重要性。本文以一則罕見的警員被訴違法搜索罪之實際案例,檢視歷審判決認事用法是否妥適,並介紹美國法關於緊急搜索之實務見解。法院於事後進行緊急搜索之合法性審查時,應注意「相當理由」並未要求過半之心證門檻,且法官必須綜合考量執法者臨場判斷之侷限性與容錯性。文末亦建議立法者應儘速修正現行法關於緊急搜索之規範,以兼顧人權保障與犯罪偵查之需求。
英文摘要 Warrantless searches are strongly restricted by the Criminal Procedure Code due to its randomness nature. However, the Criminal Procedure Code recognizes a limited scope of warrantless searches, including exigent circumstances such as forestalling a suspect’s escape or the destruction of evidence. This paper analyses and comments on an unusual criminal case which involving 4 policemen being indicted of conducting unlawful warrantless searches. This paper underlines that a warrantless search based on probable cause should be justified and upheld, while the court is not in a good position of second-guessing. Finally, the author argues both the district court and the high court have made flawed decisions by inappropriate interpretation of warrantless searches, and recommend the current sections of warrantless searches under the Criminal Procedure Code ought to be modified.
起訖頁 94-105
關鍵詞 緊急搜索相當理由湮滅證據之虞綜合判斷法則Warrantless SearchExigent CircumstancesProbable CauseTotality of the Circumstances
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201711 (65期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362017110065009  複製DOI  DOI申請

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