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Pinpointing the Role of Technology in Criminal Judicial Procedures and Human Rights Protection: From the Perspective of GPS Tracking
作者 蔡彩貞
中文摘要 全球定位系統(GPS)廣泛運用於日常生活與諸多專業事務領域,固提供吾人現代化科技之便利與效能,然利用GPS進行監測,縱係針對個人於公共道路上之行蹤所為,若長期持續、綿密地蒐集個人行動訊息,不僅能測得受監控人於特定時點所在位置,捕捉點狀訊息,更可探知其帶狀行蹤。對此,藉助馬賽克理論所強調,片斷訊息經由拚組獲取之資訊,已超越原有各項訊息之單純加總,而具有遠大於各訊息總合的加乘效果之主張,適足說明GPS長期蒐集、累積之個人位置資訊,若加以匯聚、拚組,將因此揭露其人日常私生活軌跡,對個人資訊隱私、行動自由等憲法保障之基本權造成侵害。強制處分,復以其干預不但長期持度強烈,範圍幾無遠弗屆,更影響被告為及時有效之防禦,為予以適當規制,防杜濫權,其實施自應遵守法律保留原則,並採法官保留,始符合正當程序之要求。為解決我國目前使用GPS蒐證尚無法可循之困境,於立法者透過法制之建置作出通案性回應之前,自應由審判機關法院適時補位,本於適用法律之職權,試圖在既存法制中尋求適當之原理原則作為替代,資為因應。

英文摘要 The Global Positioning System (“GPS”), despite the convenience and efficiency resulting from its extensive implementation into our daily lives and professional fields, can probe people’s exact and band-shaped whereabouts if being used constantly and intensively over their activities on public roads. Thus, as emphasized in the Mosaic Theory that the power of combining various pieces of information outweighs their sum, personal location data, if collected constantly by GPS, can disclose people’s private activities after assembly and grouping and thus will infringe the fundamental rights protected by the Constitution, including personal information privacy and the freedom of movement.
Considering using GPS to constantly monitor criminal defendants’ whereabouts as a right-infringing compulsive measure under the Code of Criminal Procedure and an opaque and untenable form of interference, its application shall be duly regulated and reserved for judge’s decision in light of due process requirement. To solve the current legal vacuum, the court should strive to seek applicable principles in existing legal practice before the establishment of relevant legislations.
起訖頁 62-78
關鍵詞 全球定位系統馬賽克理論資訊隱私權隱私之合理期待Global Positioning SystemMosaic TheoryRight to Information PrivacyReasonable Expectation of Privacy
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201711 (65期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362017110065007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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