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From the Drafting History/Process of the Civil Law 1057 to Study the Nature Performance of Voluntary Divorce in Substantive Law and Procedural Law
作者 陳冠甫
中文摘要 贍養費為夫妻間離婚後的扶養請求權,但關於贍養費制度的條文卻僅有民法第1057條,且又限定僅有裁判離婚始有適用。然實務上諸多紛爭的離婚協議約定贍養費事件,應如何在實體法以及程序法上定性,即為重要的課題。我國民法親屬編自從民國19年起草制定後,民法第1057條之條文即未修正,該條文排除了兩願離婚協議贍養費的適用,是為立法者有意排除?或是法律漏洞?即生疑義。又家事事件法中針對兩願離婚所生之贍養費其類型為何?亦有爭議。本文從民法第1057條之制定歷史出發,探討系爭規定的立法意旨以及在法律上的定性性質,以供實務參酌。

英文摘要 Alimony is a legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse after divorce, but in the whole civil law provision there only is one article about it, which is article 1057 of the Civil Code provisions, and limits the definition of divorce to when the judicial divorce is made sure. It is crucial to understand how alimony should be characterized in substantive law and procedural law. Since family law was drafted in 1930, we have never corrected article 1057 of the Civil Code provisions, which excluded the application of consensual divorce alimony. Was it an intentional choice of the legislator in order to exclude consensual divorce alimony or it creates loopholes in the law? This is the point that needs to be cleared. According to the Family Proceedings Act, what type of alimony is granted during divorced by mutual agreement? This is also quite controversial. This article will start from how article 1057 of the Civil Code provisions came to be, discusses the legislative purposes of the provisions and the legal characterization for court as reference.
起訖頁 57-67
關鍵詞 贍養費兩願離婚裁判離婚扶養請求權法律漏洞AlimonyVoluntary DivorceDivorced Via the JudgmentMaintenanceLegal Loophole
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201709 (63期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362017090063007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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