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The Shift in the Judicial Review Model for the Freedom of Speech: from the Perspective of the J.Y. Interpretation No.744
作者 陳宗憶
中文摘要 按釋字第744號解釋意旨,言論自由違憲審查模式產生了變遷,即放棄釋字第414、623號解釋建立的雙階理論與釋字第445、718號解釋建立的雙軌理論,凡對於言論事前管制原則上論為違憲。其次,釋字第744號解釋之審查標準可謂是司法院大法官解釋有始以來最嚴格者,不僅呈現在比例原則的操作上,更擴及相關具體要求,包括立法者舉證責任與人民立即司法救濟措施,以此組合成一套嚴格審查標準,而非過往比例原則操作所及。最後,以釋字第744號解釋為借鏡,在沒有足夠憲法論理的前提下,釋憲者可能藉由保障言論自由之名,行僭越司法權之實,此不可不察。

英文摘要 According to the J.Y. Interpretation No.744, the judicial review model for the freedom of speech has changed by giving up the double-stage theory (established in the J.Y. Interpretation No.414 and No.623) and the two-track theory (established in the J.Y. Interpretation No.445 and No.718). Prior restraint of speech will generally be deemed unconstitutional. In addition, the J.Y. Interpretation No.744 has adopted the strictest judicial review so far, which embodied in its operation of proportionality principle and the expansion to other requirements, including burden of proof on legislators and people’s immediate judicial remedy. Moreover, from the perspective of the J.Y. Interpretation No.744, it is worth noting that the Justices of the Constitutional Court can expand their power in the name of protecting the freedom of speech without adequate prerequisite of constitutional basis.
起訖頁 46-56
關鍵詞 言論事前管制雙階理論雙軌理論嚴格審查標準Prior Restraint of Speechthe Double-Stage Theorythe Two-Track TheoryStrict Scrutiny Test
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201709 (63期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362017090063006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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