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Concurrence of the Criminal Seizure Proceedings and Enforcement Proceedings and Processing
作者 陳典聖
中文摘要 刑事沒收新制通過後,司法實務勢必更加頻繁地運用刑事扣押之手段來保全將來沒收裁判與追徵裁判之執行,當刑事扣押跟強制執行發生競合時,刑事訴訟法或強制執行法並未規定程序應該如何處理,本文參酌日本立法例與我國既有之司法實務見解,針對刑事扣押與強制執行競合之各種情況,在兼顧刑事訴訟與強制執行目的之前提下,一一分析各種不同的競合程序,藉由本文分析,希望有助於我國實務之運作。
英文摘要 Criminal confiscated new through Hou, judicial practice will more frequently to using criminal seized of means, to preservation future confiscated referee and Chase levy referee of implementation, dang criminal seized with forced implementation occurred competing timely, criminal method or forced implementation method does not rules program should how processing, paper concludes Japan of legislation cases and China both of judicial practice views, for criminal seized and forced implementation competing collection of various situation, in both criminal and forced implementation purpose of premise Xia, all analysis various different of competing collection program, Through this analysis, operation of hope to help our practice.
起訖頁 65-76
關鍵詞 刑事扣押強制執行沒收追徵程序競合Criminal DetentionEnforcementConfiscationCollectConcurrence of Programs
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201707 (61期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362017070061007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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