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A Case Study on the Relation between Waste Disposal and Urban Planning Law
作者 許凱傑

Although the urban land planning is covered by Urban Planning Law and disposal of waste is covered by the Trash Clearance Act, the laws concerning which act should be followed for the waste disposal issue on the urban land planning is not clear. The verdict focuses on details of the Urban Planning Law For Taiwan Province, the prohibition of residential area settings and storage of waste disposal site. The rule is authorized under Urban Planning Law and the court held that the rule does not violate Urban Planning Law and “The Principle of the Explicit Delegation”. However, the judgment did not pay attention to the special act characteristic and the relation between Urban Planning Law and Details of Urban Planning Law For Taiwan Province. Furthermore, the author will offer several thoughts about the disputes, introduce a number of issues related to Trash Clearance Act and explain the relationship between Trash Clearance and Urban Planning Law. 

起訖頁 60-73
關鍵詞 都市計畫法臺灣省施行細則廢棄物清理授權明確性原則解釋函令部門法Details of Urban Planning Law for Taiwan ProvinceWaste Disposal
刊名 裁判時報
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201609 (51期)
DOI 10.3966/207798362016090051006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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