篇名 | 臨時管理人之選任與解任──相關判決評析 |
並列篇名 | The Appointment and Dismissal of Interim Manager-Focusing on the Analysis of Relevant Court Judgments |
作者 | 林銘龍 |
中文摘要 | 臨時管理人之選任目的在於避免公司因經營階層的空洞,造成對公司不利之影響,此時有必要透過法院來填補空洞。 臨時管理人並非經過公司內部股東之集體意志所產生,為避免濫用此一制度而與公司法所設計之股東自治原則有所衝突,法院於個案審酌是否有選任臨時管理人必要,即應審慎為之。 然而,目前司法實務對於此一制度之運用有浮濫現象,且對於臨時管理人之選任必要性、資格以及解任,並未達成共識。 因此本文將以臨時管理人之選任與解任為中心,從臨時管理人之制度目的出發,歸納目前司法實務選任臨時管理人之主要原因類型以及選任與解任之相關實務裁判,依其事件原因類型,加以整理評析。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of appointing an interim manager is to avoid the unfavorable impacts resulting from lack of management personnel in a company. In such scenario, it is necessary to fix such shortage through the court. Given the fact that interim managers are not elected through the consensus of all shareholders of a company, the court should evaluate the need to appoint an interim manager for a company on a case-by-case basis with caution—this is for the purpose of avoiding jeopardizing the shareholders autonomy under the company law as a result of abuse of the interim manager system. Nonetheless, the judicial practice has not yet reached to a consensus on the abuse of such system, and the necessity, qualification and dismissal of an interim manager. Therefore, this essay aims to focus on the appointment and dismissal of an interim manager, and from the standpoint of the purpose for the system, to collect data from court rulings, and to summarize, analyze and categorize the main types, the appointment and dismissal of interim managers. |
起訖頁 | 83-98 |
關鍵詞 | 臨時管理人、清算、假處分、定暫時狀態假處分、公司自治原則、Interim Manager、Liquidation、Provisional Injunction、Temporary Injunction、Principle of Autonomy of a Company |
刊名 | 裁判時報 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201605 (47期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207798362016050047009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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