篇名 | 地方議會文件調閱權:從波多野悠遊卡餽贈清單談起 |
並列篇名 | The Investigation Power of Local Parliament |
作者 | 葉慶元 |
中文摘要 | 地方議會的文件調閱權,為我國中央及地方行政及立法部門互動中爭議甚大之議題。其雖得以釋字第三二五及五八五號解釋為依據,並輔以內政部九十年六月五日函釋,然其法律依據仍有待進一步明確化,方能建立良好之地方行政、立法機關相互制衡機制。除透過修正地方制度法明確定義文件調閱權之行使程序及範圍外,地方議會亦可考慮透過訂定自治條例之方式,將文件調閱權之行使法制化,方為正辦。 |
英文摘要 | The investigation power of local parliament has been debated repeatedly between the executive and legislative branches of Taiwan’s cities and counties. Among others, Judicial Yuan Interpretation Nos. 325 and 585 and Ministry of the Interior interpretation dated June 5, 2001 are regarded as legal basis for the investigation power. Nonetheless, without clear authorization under the Local Government Act, it is unclear how such power shall be exercised. It is suggested that it is necessary to define the extent and procedure of local parliament’s investigation power, by either amending the Local Government Act or enacting city ordinances. |
起訖頁 | 60-71 |
關鍵詞 | 地方議會、調查權、釋字第325號、釋字第585號、政府資訊公開法、 Local Parliament、Investigation Power、Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 325、Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 585、The Freedom Of Government Information Law |
刊名 | 裁判時報 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201603 (45期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207798362016030045008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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