篇名 | 論刑事準備程序之運作(上)──以人民參與審判為核心 |
並列篇名 | Discussing the Operation of Criminal Pretrial Conference Procedure |
作者 | 張永宏 |
中文摘要 | 觀察我國刑事準備程序在實務上之運作情形,可說並未能發揮立法者原本期待的功能,此或係因目前純由職業法官組成之法庭並無集中審理、言詞審理的迫切需求,但集中審理、言詞審理原本即為刑事訴訟法的基本精神,在引進國民參與審判制度之後,為了因應合議庭中一般人民的需要,集中審理、言詞審理更有其必要性,故準備程序即應扮演更重要的角色,準備程序不應只是單純的聲請證據調查、表達對於證據能力的程序而已,更應該進行徹底而有體系性的爭點整理,並以爭點整理為本,進行後續審理程序時證據調查之整理,排除無證據能力或無調查必要性之證據,遇有必要時,更應進行證據之篩選或證據之統合,並以此製作審理計畫書,以作為未來審判程序運作的藍本,達成一個連續、有計畫、迅速,且可以正確形成心證的審判程序。 |
英文摘要 | Regarding the actual operation of criminal pretrial conference procedure in present Taiwan, We will find that the actual operation does not response to the original purpose of criminal procedure law. The probable reason might be, there have no eager demands to achieve continuous and oral trial in the tribunal that composed only by professional judges. However, continuous and oral trial is the basic spirit of criminal procedure law, moreover, to meet the demands of lay judges in tribunal, as Taiwan introduce the lay participation in the nearly future, continuous and oral trial will have higher necessity. From this viewpoint, the pretrial conference procedure should play more important role in criminal procedure. Therefore, the pretrial conference procedure should not only deal with the claims of the investigation of evidence, or the opinions of admission of evidence. Furthermore, we should make systematic classification of issues ,base on the classification of issues, make the classification of evidence, In necessary, deal with the selection or combination of evidences in pretrial conference procedure. Accordingly, make the project of formal trial. With the results of pretrial conference procedure, to provide a continuous, speedy ,planned trial, and help tribunal make conviction correctly. |
起訖頁 | 89-100 |
關鍵詞 | 準備程序、國民參與審判、爭點整理、審理計畫、證據篩選、證據統合、Pretrial Conference Procedure、 Lay Participation、Classification of Issues、Selection of Evidences、Combination of Evidences |
刊名 | 裁判時報 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201511 (41期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207798362015110041009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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