篇名 | 保險法修法(民國一○四年二月四日公布)簡評(上) |
並列篇名 | A Commentary Regarding Insurance Act Amendment of 2015 in Taiwan |
作者 | 廖世昌、王俊翔、馬涵蕙 |
中文摘要 | 因政府對保險市場健全發展及保戶權益之高度重視,近年來主管機關不斷提高對保險業之監理密度。距離前次保險法修正(民國一○三年六月二十四日),僅約半年光景,本次保險法修正(一○四年二月四日)牽涉條文共二十餘條,幅度可謂不小。本次修正可大別為五大面向,分別是「開放銀行得兼營保險代理或保險經紀業務」、「強化要、被保險人之權益保障」、「落實保險經紀人之法律地位」、「細分資本適足率之標準與明確化監理效果」、「要求保險業辦理外部複核精算」。本文將先說明各修正面向之重點,再簡要評析本次修法所生之影響與利弊。 |
英文摘要 | To achieve sound operation of insurance market and protect the basic rights of the insured, competent authority continuously strengthen the supervision of insurance enterprise in recent years. It has been only six months since the last amendment of Insurance Act of 2014. This amendment which alternates on a large scale involves more than 20 articles. This amendment focuses mainly on five aspects which accordingly are “to allow bank to operate insurance agent or insurance broker business”, “to strengthen the protection of the insured”, “to form the legal status of insurance broker”, “to categorize the capital adequacy ratio into different categorization and adopt corresponding supervision measures”, and “to require insurance enterprise to employ external actuaries responsible for verification report”. This article would first illustrate general outline of this amendment and then analyze the influence which may be caused by this amendment. |
起訖頁 | 94-107 |
關鍵詞 | 銀行兼營保險代理人或保險經紀人業務、保險經紀人法律地位、資本適足率、保險業監理措施、外部複核精算、Bank Operating the Insurance Agent or Insurance Business、Legal Status of Insurance Broker、Capital Adequacy Ratio、Supervision Measures for Insurance Enterprise、External Actuaries |
刊名 | 裁判時報 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201509 (39期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207798362015090039011 複製DOI DOI申請 |
QRCode | |