篇名 | 法院判決終止地上權與建築物存續之問題 |
並列篇名 | Controversial issues of the Court's order to terminate the superficies and the existence of the buildings |
作者 | 林俊廷 |
中文摘要 | 往昔在臺灣「單獨聲請地上權登記」及「地上權之永續性」之法制背景下,即使地上權登記有浮濫之情形,但土地所有人及其繼承人要取回土地,受到相當多的限制,可以說法律之天秤是傾向有利於地上權人之一方,如設定地上權登記之建築物已經毀損滅失,或客觀上已經不堪居住使用,而地上權人又未積極利用土地,甚至已搬離他處,讓地上權之負擔繼續存在於土地上,將有礙於土地資源之利用,造成「地未盡其利」之結果。有鑑於此,臺灣於二○一○年增訂了民法第八三三條之一規定(下稱「系爭規定」)。系爭規定係基於「物之經濟效用」觀點之立法,兼顧土地所有人與地上權人之利益而設,賦予法院廣泛之裁量權,期待原本傾向於地上權人利益保障之法律天秤能藉由法院之介入審查,調整為兼顧土地所有人及地上權人之利益而達到平衡。系爭規定立法後,五年以來,各法院的判決結果,產生了若干爭議之問題,且系爭規定未設有補償條款,是否符合憲法保障財產權之意旨,亦有進一步思考之必要。本文先討論系爭規定之立法背景、規範目的,並整理相關法院實務見解,最後提出個人之觀察與分析。 |
英文摘要 | In the past, under the legal system in Taiwan which allowed the independent application for the recordation of superficies and sustainability of superficies, even though the applications for the recordation of superficies were often excessive, it was still hard to retrieve land for landowners and their successors. We could say that the scales of law was inclined to protect the owner of superficies. For example, if the building was loss or destruct, or unable to reside in while the owner of superficies was not using the land actively or already moved away, the existence of the superficies would hinder the use of the land resources that failed to complete the use of the land. In light of the fact, the Civil code article 833-1 (hereafter refer to “the rule of contend”) was legislated in 2010. Civil code article 833-1 was based on economic utility to protect both landowner and owner of superficies. This rule authorized the court extensive of discretion to balance the benefit of landowner and owner of superficies through investigation and judgment. In the past five years, after the legislation of the Civil code 833-1 was announced, several controversial issues arose such as lacking the compensation clause, and whether the “rule of contend” complying property rights protected under the constitution. These issues need further consideration. This article discusses the history, purposes of regulations, bibliographic and my personal observation and viewpoint. |
起訖頁 | 81-95 |
關鍵詞 | 民法第833條之1、地上權、存續期間、經濟效用、法院裁量權、當事人適格、建築物毀損滅失、財產權保障、補償、Civil Code Article 833-1、superficies、duration、economic utility、court's discretion、standing of plaintiff、the loss or destruction of the building、property right protection、compensation |
刊名 | 裁判時報 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201507 (37期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207798362015070037008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
QRCode | |