篇名 | 立法正當程序之審查──從充分審議之觀點 |
並列篇名 | The Theory and Practice of Judicial Review to Legislative Procedure - Viewing on Deliberation Through |
作者 | 蕭惠菁 |
中文摘要 | 立法程序是否可由司法加以審查呢?若得以審查,其審查之標準及要求究係為何呢?近來,對於立法程序已漸有要求其遵守正當程序的聲音出現,認為立法程序至少要經由審議的程序,才能降低特有團體的把持或影響,才能達到最適的要求。本文將先就立法的正當程序要求之理論加以介紹,其後,再界定司法審查的標準及審查的標的。再來,回到我國立法院相關的議事規範作一介紹,探究相關規定是否亦有審議的要求。最後,就我國實務亦即司法院大法官會議相關的解釋見解來分析,試擬我國司法審查對於立法程序的要求標準。 |
英文摘要 | That the judicial review can get involved in legislative procedure is the international currency. What are the standards of review? What is the legislative due precess? In order to make the above topics clear, its necessary to define the meanings of minimal deliberation through and what is the purpose of review. First, I will discuss about what is the minimal deliberation and what is the subject of review to clarify the extent of judicial review. And then, I will intrudoct the law articles of our Legislative Yuan to analyze if our Legislative Yuan is asked to obey minimal deliberation through in legislative procedure . Finaly, I will resolve the opinions of Judicial Yuan and analyse the standards of judicial review to the legislative due process. |
起訖頁 | 74-84 |
關鍵詞 | 立法程序、審議、正當程序、審議的標準、司法審查標準、Judicial Review、Deliberation、Legislative Procedure、Due Process、Legistative Yuan |
刊名 | 裁判時報 |
出版單位 | 元照出版公司 |
期數 | 201505 (35期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207798362015050035009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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