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The Courses of Life-and-Death Studies in General Education in Taiwan
作者 蔡昕璋
中文摘要 「生死教育」相關議題在國內愈來愈受重視,目前有超過三分之一的大專校院通識教育中心開設「生死學」或是與生死議題相關的課程。「生死學」源自於國外的「死亡教育」,在國內融入人文風俗及社會脈絡後,演進成為一門涵蓋學科相當廣泛的學問。廣義而言,談論生死議題應是「生命」、「生活」、「死亡」三大主題並重,但由於國內學者各有堅持,故在生死學課程中,應偏重哪一主題,至今未有定論。
英文摘要 The issues of “Life and Death Education” are more and more important in Taiwan. There are more than one-third General Education Centers give Life-and-Death Studies Issues courses in colleges and universities in Taiwan. “Life-and-Death Studies” is derived from “Thanatology” (the scientific study of death). After integrating cultural customs and social contexts, it become a fairly broad knowledge specialized subject. Broadly speaking, the three core concepts-“Life”, “Existence” and “Death”- are the same important of Life-and- Death issues, but there are discords has arisen over this viewpoint in Taiwan scholars, so the main core of life-and-death studies is uncertain now.
The researcher collected 94 syllabuses of Life-and-Death Studies courses in the Academic Year 97 to 100 in Taiwan, and tried to assay the teaching focuses and methods. The researcher give some advises, and hope the curriculum ideas can give consideration to both General Education and Life-and-Death Education.
起訖頁 001-035
關鍵詞 生死學生死教育生命教育死亡教育通識教育life-and-death studieslife-and-death educationlife educationthanatologygeneral education
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會
期數 201406 (6:1期)
DOI 10.3966/207466012014060601001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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