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Let Intuitive Knowledge Decide: Revelatory Insight of Yangming Philosphy of Mind on Modern Man’s Autonomy
作者 李丕洋
中文摘要 現代社會是一個自由、開放型的社會,沒有了傳統的神權和皇權的束縛,在這種情況下,許多人對於生命如何自主的問題產生了困惑,失去了生命的方向感。對此,本文通過介紹明代心學家王陽明和王龍溪關於「致良知」之教的相應思想,揭示出良知本體的深層內涵,指明它其實就是儒家先聖所傳的「仁體」,只要覺悟這一良知,應用並推廣良知,就可以解決現實生活中如何安身立命的指導思想問題。同時,本文還對儒家先聖所總結的由良知本體的發露流行而形成的一些理念,如仁愛之道、忠恕之道、中庸之道等進行了分析,為現代人深入地理解良知本體的內涵提供了一些可資借鑒的「成法」。
英文摘要 Breaking away from the bondage of theocratic and imperial power, modern society is defined by freedom and openness. Under such circumstances, many people, however, are troubled by and get lost in the question of how to achieve autonomy in real life. By giving a brief introduction to Wang Yangming and Wang Longxi's conception of "Extension of Intuitive Knowledge, " this paper aims to explore the inner connotation of the body of intuitive knowledge. It points out that “Extension of Intuitive Knowledge" is in fact the "Essence of Benevolence" expounded by Confucian saints. As long as we recognize, use and spread this intuitive knowledge, we can get the principles by which we can govern our life. Confucian saints have handed down to us such conceptions as the Tao of Benevolence, the Tao of Loyalty and Consideration, and the Tao of Happy Medium, all of which are the outcome of their intuitive knowledge. This paper tries to analyze these ideas with a view to offering modern man some "established laws" to have a thorough understanding of the body of intuitive knowledge.
起訖頁 123-143
關鍵詞 良知仁體妙用自主性成法intuitive knowledgeessence of Benevolencemarvelous effectsautonomyestablished laws
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會
期數 201312 (5:2期)
DOI 10.3966/207466012013120502005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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