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從Karl Rahner的奧秘教導來反省高等教育中的靈性教育
Reflections on the Spiritual Education in Higher Education from the Perspective of Karl Rahner's Mystagogy
作者 胡淑琴
中文摘要 靈性教育本身要求某種人學的預設,本文試提出德籍耶穌會士Karl Rahner,(1904-1984)對於人的靈性和奧秘教導的見解。他以超驗哲學神學的方法,將神學反省與人學緊緊相扣,肯定人的靈性向度是動態的,被賦與自我超越的能力,能夠從哲學層次的探問進到宗教層次的體悟和對救主的追尋。他的奧秘教導是奠定在神學人學的基礎上,著重經驗的辯證、與客觀理想生活的對照、選擇與行動,及持續分辨的態度。當我們反省高等教育的靈性教育時,Rahner 動態的人觀與奧秘教導的概念,可以為我們提供某些洞察。本文第一部分先從基督信仰的脈絡簡介Rahner 的人學,焦點放在他對靈性的看法;第二部分介紹其奧秘教導的概念;第三部分是在Rahner 人觀和奧秘教導的基礎上,嘗試提出關於靈性教育的反省與建議。
英文摘要 Spiritual Education requires certain presupposition of anthropology. This paper attempts to introduce Karl Rahner’s perspectives concerning human spirit and mystagogy. He applies transcendental method, connecting closely his theological reflection with anthropology, understanding human spirit as dynamic in self-transcendence and is spiritually open to the Absolute Being philosophically, to the Holy Mystery theologically and to the historical Absolute Savior. Based on his theological anthropology, his mystagogy emphasizes dialectic experiences, confrontation with authentic ideals, option and action, and an on-going attitude of continuous discernment. When we reflect the spiritual education in Higher Education, a Rahnerian mystagogy could probably offer certain insight for us. The first part of this paper introduces shortly Rahnerian anthropology within the tradition of Christian faith, focusing on his concept of human spirit; the second part explains his mystagogy; and the third part tries to offer some reflections and suggestions based on Rahnerian anthropology and mystagogy.
起訖頁 103-122
關鍵詞 靈性神賜的靈性依納爵神學方法奧秘教導經驗spiritpnuemaIgnatian way of doing theologymystagogyexperience
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會
期數 201312 (5:2期)
DOI 10.3966/207466012013120502004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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