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The Analysis of Wang Meng-Juan’s “Ten the Dynasty Ci-poems”
作者 楊大衛
中文摘要 本文以汪孟鋗《厚石齋詩集》中論清代詞人之十絕句為主,探討汪孟鋗評述諸家之觀點,及諸家詞作風貌形成之原因,並援引詞話、詞集序跋、筆記等資料補充說明。本文依汪孟鋗詩作順序分三部分討論:第一部分為汪孟鋗論朱彞尊、陳維崧、顧貞觀與納蘭成德四家之生平經歷及作品風格;第二部分為汪孟鋗論曹溶與王士禛二家之作品風格,並以李良年、李符兄弟之作,與前賢相較,論其優劣得失;第三部分為汪孟鋗論嚴繩孫與吳綺之作品特色;樓儼之精通音律,以及汪森之作能獨樹一幟,自成一家。
英文摘要 Based on his Jueju poems in his Hou Shi Zhai Poems Collection on the Qing Ci-poets, this paper analyzes Wang Meng-Juan’s views on these Ci-poets and the origins of their different styles. In addition, quotations from Ci Hua, the prefaces of some Ci anthologies, and other notes are used as supplementary resources for analysis. This article is composed of three parts, which follow the original order of Wang’s poems. The first part concerns Wang Meng-Juan’s commentary on Zhu Yi-Zun, Chen Wei-Song, and Gu Zhen-Guan, including the life and poetic style of these three Cipoets. The second part regards Wang Meng-Juan’s commentary on Cao Rong’s and Wang Shi- Zhen’s styles. The works of the two brothers Li Liang and Li Fu are also included in this part for comparison. The third part consists of Wang Meng-Juan’s commentary on Yen Sheng-Sun and Wu Yee’s work. In addition, Lou Yan’s talent in versification and the uniqueness of Wang Sen’s works are also discussed.
起訖頁 065-082
關鍵詞 汪孟鋗《厚石齋詩集》清代詞人論詞絕句Wang Meng-JuanHou Shi Zhai Poems CollectionQing Dynasty Ci-poetsJueju-style Critiques for Ci-poems
刊名 師大學報:語言與文學類
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
期數 201303 (58:1期)
DOI 10.3966/207451922013035801003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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