篇名 | 論東坡詠物詞意象之開拓-以詠梅、詠荔枝為例 |
並列篇名 | A Discussion of the Exaggerated Images in Dong-Po's Object Chant Lyrics-Illustrated using the Plum Blossom and Litchi Chants |
作者 | 顏智英 |
中文摘要 | 本論文以東坡歌詠數量最多的7首詠梅詞,以及別具諷諭意義的2首詠荔枝詞為探索文本,探討其詠物詞意象對前輩詞作的承與變,具體觀察出東坡以前詠梅詞不出愛花惜春、懷鄉憶友等普泛化的意象。而東坡詠梅詞中,有2首承繼此普泛化的情意書寫,其餘5首皆能掌握梅異於眾芳之凌霜傲骨而表現以高潔譬喻友誼、自喻人格或譬喻朝雲等具個性化之意象;而其詠荔詞,則能借鑒歐陽修藉詠貴妃嗜荔虐民之史事以議政的手法,委婉地提醒當權者宜體恤民命,也巧妙地藉一己之悠閒嚐荔以諷刺當局對他的迫害,深具諷諭性。由此具體見出東坡詠物詞在個性化與諷諭性意象方面的開拓之功。 |
英文摘要 | In this article, we consult the inherited and distorted images in Dong-Po's object chant lyrics based on his seven chants about plum blossoms and two allegorical litchi chants. This study finds that the plum blossom chant lyrics written before Dong-Po are full of universal images, such as loving flower, cherishing spring, nostalgia, or missing a friend. However, in Dong-Po's lyrics, though two chants inherit their style from those universal images, the other five use the characteristic image of a plum's unyielding character as the metaphors for the purity of friendship, personality, and Chao-Yun. Additionally, in the litchi chant lyrics, Dong-Po borrowed from history the story of a former emperor's tyranny in Yuhuan Yang's Litchi-loving, euphemistically reminding the current emperor to be good to the people. Furthermore, Dong-Po also satirizes the persecutions he suffered from authorities in a portrait of him enjoying litchis. Thus, we can concretely determine the contribution of exaggerating the characteristics and allegoric images in Dong-Po's object chant lyrics. |
起訖頁 | 67-94 |
關鍵詞 | 東坡詞、荔枝、梅花、詠物、意象、Dong-Po's Lyrics、litchi、plum blossom、chanting object、image |
刊名 | 師大學報:語言與文學類 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201109 (56:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207451922011095602003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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