篇名 | 《太玄》儒、道思想歸趨辨 |
並列篇名 | The Confucian and Daoist Philosophical Tendency of Tai Xuan |
作者 | 馮樹勳 |
中文摘要 | 有關揚雄思想孰儒孰道,歷代均爭論不休,而《太玄》為揚雄中年以後的重要代表作,當中儒道論爭也最為激烈。有關爭論大抵可分為平衡說與非平衡說,前者認為《太玄》的思想混合儒、道兩家,但並無明確主調;後者,則以為《太玄》一書自有其主導思想。再細審非平衡說所論,則又可分為道主儒輔及儒主道輔兩者。以往學者處理此等問題的方案,盡量找尋其中與儒、道兩家相似的觀念,用以證明《太玄》是兼具兩者思想,然而,順此欲找出其間價值比重之區別,則易落入誰定其是非的泥沼。是以,本文將反行其道,試圖從仁義、玄、陰陽、文質等《太玄》的核心觀念,檢視儒、道兩家是否有衝突矛盾的部分。繼而揭示揚雄在兩家衝突時,如何做出抉擇,從中探討《太玄》的核心價值中,儒道思想的歸趨。 |
英文摘要 | The Confucian and Daoist tendency in Yang Xiong's thought had always attracted heated and controversial discussions over the years. While Tai Xuan is Yang Xiong's signature work from mid-career years, this work has attracted the most attention and generated the most arguments of all. In terms of Confucian and Daoist orientation reflected in this work. Such discussion can roughly be categorized into two schools: the balance theory and the imbalance theory. While the balance theory believed that Tai Xuan represented a combination of Confucian and Daoist ideas. While both schools show equal importance of the work, the imbalance view suggested that Tai Xuan had its own guiding principles. A detailed examination of the imbalance theory found that two sets of opposite views: some believe that Daoism was a central concept and Confucianism acted as a supplementary idea; while others believe the opposite to be true.In this argument, previous scholars found that the similarities between the Confucian and Daoist ideas expressed throughout this work, in order to prove that Tai Xuan, has integrated both schools of thought. However, this has resulted in binary opposition between these differences and an emphasis on the ideas, which have never been proved.As a result, this essay adopted a different perspective that examines this dilemma and conflict between the Confucian and Daoist ideas within the core concepts of Tai Xuan, namely Ren Yi (benevolence and righteousness), Xuan (profoundness), Yin and Yang, and Wen Zhi (literary talent and refined-ness). This study assessed how Yang Xiong chose between the two when conflicts arose to examine the Confucian and Daoist tendencies from Tai Xuan core values. |
起訖頁 | 21-52 |
關鍵詞 | 太玄、仁義、文質、陰陽、揚雄、Tai Xuan、Ren Yi、Wen Zhi、Yin and Yang、Yang Xiong |
刊名 | 師大學報:語言與文學類 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201103 (56:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207451922011035601002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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