篇名 | 從文人師承現象看中晚唐時期文學觀的變化 |
並列篇名 | The Initiation into Versification: Its Influence upon the Change of Literary Viewpoint in the Middle and Late Tang |
作者 | 愛甲弘志 |
中文摘要 | 近年來,中晚唐文學研究的意義越顯重要,因為作為下一個時代的文學的準備期,在這段時期?已被確認有宋代文學的萌芽。拙論從這一觀點出發,將關注點放在晚唐時期散見的、由師將作詩方法直接傳授給弟子的現象(文人師承現象)上,進行了探討,並論證了以下的問題。原本在中唐時期,韓愈在《師說》中強調了傳授聖人之道的師的重要性。但在同一時期的畫論、書論等其它藝術領域中也已經有了師傳弟子的明確記述,而這些都與南禪宗?的法系問題有很大關聯,並且它們對詩歌創作的新意義定位產生了極大的影響。而且,文人師承現象的顯露與那個時代的文學及文學觀的變化,更進一步講,與成為文學中流砥柱的有名或無名的人們有很大關係。 |
英文摘要 | The literary study of the Middle and Late Tang has recently become more significant due to the fact that it served as the germinal stage of literature for the following Song Dynasty era.Viewed in this light, this paper focuses on the direct initiation into versification from a master to disciplines in Late Tang, and analyzes the cause and influence of it. Han Yu in Middle Tang emphasized in Shishuo the importance of the role of a master who preached the Doctrines of Confucius to disciplines. This paper clarifies that descriptions about initiation from a master to disciplines had already appeared in essays from that time on other arts including painting and calligraphy, that Southern-sect Chan had a great influence on the initiation, and also that it gave a new signification to versification. Moreover, this paper points to the fact that the conspicuousness of the direct initiation was deeply influenced by change in both literature and the view of literature at that time, as well as by the unknown poets who provided the foundations for literature. |
起訖頁 | 109-132 |
關鍵詞 | 中唐、南宗禪、變革、Middle Tang、Southern-sect Chan、master、Dao、change |
刊名 | 師大學報:語言與文學類 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201003 (55:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207451922010035501005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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