篇名 | 國民中學教師課程領導相關問題之探究:以學習領域召集人為例 |
並列篇名 | Related Issues on Teacher Curriculum Leadership in Junior High Schools: Taking Teacher Leaders of Disciplinary Areas as Examples |
作者 | 王秀玲、康瀚文 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要探討九年一貫課程實施後,國中各學習領域召集人進行課程領導時所遭遇的問題。藉由問卷調查得知目前國中各領域召集人課程領導的相關問題,再輔以焦點團體座談及深度訪談以深入追蹤問題的來源與成因。本研究的問卷調查共抽取203 校,有效問卷共1,121份,召開焦點團體座談共9 場次,邀請48名領域召集人與會,之後並訪談了5 位領域召集人,以獲得對問卷結果更深入的理解。經統計分析與結果討論後,獲致四項結論:一、現階段國中領域召集人課程領導相關問題之嚴重情形大致為稍微嚴重;二、召集人在課程領導過程所遇到的特殊議題,其問題往往來自於領域的劃分與制度的設計;三、時間不夠、經費不足與職權不明是召集人課程領導問題產生的主因;四、不同背景的召集人對於課程領導相關問題之看法有所差異。 |
英文摘要 | This study examines the related issues that teacher leaders of various disciplinary areas encountered in junior high schools after the Grade 1-9 curriculum was performed. We discovered related issues by using a questionnaire, and tracked the sources and causes of the issues through a focus group and individual interviews. Several teachers from 203 schools participated in the survey study and contributed 1,121 sets of valid data. Moreover, we conducted nine focus group interviews in which 48 teacher leaders of various disciplinary areas attended. Thereafter, we interviewed five teachers to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the survey's results. Four conclusions were obtained through statistical analyses and discussions of the results. First, the severity of the issues that teacher leaders of various disciplinary areas encountered in junior high schools at the current stage was defined as low to moderate. Second, the issues often resulted from a disciplinary division and the design of the school system. Third, a lack of time, shortage of funds, and undefined responsibility and power were the main causes of the issues. Fourth, the teacher leaders with different backgrounds had diverse views on the related issues of curriculum leadership. |
起訖頁 | 29-58 |
關鍵詞 | 九年一貫課程、課程領導、學習領域召集人、the Grade 1-9 curriculum、curriculum leadership、teacher leaders of discipline areas |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 201303 (58:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2073753X2013035801002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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