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以網路為研究媒介之研究倫理問題新挑戰:85-97 學年度教育類論文之分析研究
The Exploration of Research Ethics Regarding Online Research Methods Using Academic Years 1996-2008 Session Educational Theses as an Example
作者 陳碧祥
中文摘要 網際網路為當前世界帶來溝通對話新途徑,也為學術研究帶來新工具。本文藉理論與實徵性資料85-97學年度教育類碩、博士論文進行論述與分析,發現研究倫理問題有資料來源可靠性、研究參與者同意、訊息告知、當事者權利、保密和隱私、著作權。較為特殊違反研究倫理問題有回收率及回應率過低、重複填答問卷、自願性樣本等。是故,宜提供網路技術及軟體專區或透過相關教育提升研究者網路技術,解決前述影響資料可靠性問題。其次,應重視網路為研究媒介之研究方法及方法論之探究,建立線上研究之倫理規範。再者,希冀透過倫理學、網路倫理學、方法論及研究方法,以建構研究倫理素養及培養研究倫理意識,並降低違反研究倫理之可能。
英文摘要 The Internet has emerged as a major data resource for social science research, and researchers should bear an ethical responsibility. The aim of this article is to explore the research ethics regarding online methods for educational theses from 1996 to 2008 sessions using literacy analysis and content analysis to facilitate understanding of research ethics. Problems of online research methods regarding research ethics include: source information, agreement, notification, rights of participants, secrecy, and privacy. For example, issues regarding source information include response rate, repeating scale, and sampling selection bias, which requires particular attention. Based on the aforementioned concerns, solutions can be sought to establish ethical research environments, such as education pertaining to Internet techniques, the exploration of research method and methodology, and familiarization of the norms for ethical Internet research. Therefore, ethics regarding literacy, the Internet, and research methods and methodology have become increasingly vital for researchers.
起訖頁 027-067
關鍵詞 研究倫理網際網路線上研究research ethicsInternetonline research
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
期數 201106 (56:2期)
DOI 10.3966/2073753X2011065602002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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