篇名 | 香港中學生在國際學生評估計畫的閱讀表現對語文課程改革的啟示 |
並列篇名 | The Reading Performance of Hong Kong Secondary Students in the Program for International Student Assessment: Insights for the Chinese Language Curriculum Reform |
作者 | 劉潔玲 |
中文摘要 | 國際學生評估計畫(Program for International Student Assessment, PISA)是目前最具影響力的國際性評估之一,PISA的閱讀能力評估架構同時包含了認知學派和社會學派在閱讀方面的研究取向,重點測量學生運用不同層次閱讀能力,以達至個人發展和參與社會的目的,PISA的結果有助評估和比較各地的教育成效。香港過往已參加了三屆的PISA測試,其中以PISA2006的閱讀成績最佳,香港學生在不同的閱讀歷程、文本類型和閱讀情境中的表現均比前兩屆有明顯進步。本文從課程改革的角度,探討香港學生在PISA2006閱讀測試中取得明顯進步的原因,通過比較香港語文科新舊課程和PISA的評估架構,指出新課程所建議的閱讀教學模式較舊課程更為切合PISA的理念,以及現今社會對閱讀能力的最新要求。有關的結果和討論有助學者和教育工作者反思如何改革中文閱讀教學的模式,以切合現今社會發展的需要。 |
英文摘要 | Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is one of the most influential international assessments in the world. The reading assessment framework of PISA incorporates both cognitive and social perspective in reading research. It mainly assesses the capacity of an individual to use different aspects of reading literacy to develop one’s potential and to participate effectively in society. The results of PISA provide useful information for evaluating and comparing the educational effectiveness of different countries. Hong Kong students have participated in all of the three PISA assessment cycles. The reading performance of Hong Kong students in PISA2006 was very good. They made substantial improvements in all reading processes, reading materials, and reading contexts when compared with the past two cycles. This paper discussed the reasons of Hong Kong students’ better performance from the perspective of recent curriculum reform in Hong Kong. By comparing the old and new Chinese language curriculum with the PISA assessment framework, it was found that the reading instructional approach suggested in the new curriculum was more consistent with the concept of PISA assessment and the literacy requirement of the modern society than the old curriculum. Implications of the findings for reflecting and improving the reading instruction in Chinese language teaching are discussed. |
起訖頁 | 85-105 |
關鍵詞 | 課程改革、閱讀能力、國際學生評估計畫、中文閱讀教學、reading literacy、curriculum reform、PISA、Chinese reading instruction |
刊名 | 教育科學研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學 |
期數 | 200906 (54:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/2073753X2009065402004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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