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The Guarantee Responsibility of the State: Financial Subsidization for Renewable Energy Under Electricity Tariffs Control: With Analysis of the Legal Scheme of Solar hotovoltaic Bidding in Taiwan
作者 陳信安
中文摘要 本文由國家擔保責任觀點出發,探究國家基於能源轉型目的而推廣與發展再生能源時所衍生之財務補貼相關法制問題。我國再生能源發展條例係仿效德國再生能源法而採行饋網電價制度,此種財務補助模式在推廣再生能源之初期,確實產生相當顯著之政策成效。然而,對再生能源之財務補助亦同時涉及最終端電力消費者之電價負擔,因此於再生能源發展達一定程度後,制度之設計理應由獎勵觀點回歸以市場競爭為常態。以德國為例,從最初以法定饋電躉購補助為原則,引進市場直接銷售模式為例外,乃至於轉變為以市場直接銷售為原則,法定饋電躉購補助反成例外,且又同時採用競標機制。但對於聲稱師法德國之我國而言,乃維持設定再生能源推廣與獎勵目標以及饋電躉購費率等機制,就再生能源電能之量與價進行管制,並輔以競標機制以達成減緩財務補助負擔之目的。但相較於德國係透過修法方式就特定再生能源明文規定應進行競標,我國則係藉由對再生能源發展條例之相關條文進行解釋,以及於法規命令外另行訂定行政規則以形構競標機制。此係否妥適,乃引發本文之思考,爰拋磚引玉撰擬本文,俾供參酌。
英文摘要 From the perspective of the guarantee responsibility of the state, this article investigates the legislative issues derived from financial subsidization for incentivizing and developing renewable energy to achieve Taiwan’s energy transformation. Modeling off the Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz of Germany, Taiwan’s legislature has adopted the feed-in tariff system in the Renewable Energy Development Act. At the beginning of incentivizing renewable energy, such a way of financial subsidization can indubitably yield a big success. As financial subsidization of renewable energy and electricity tariffs increase are two sides of the same coin, when renewable energy develops to a certain extent, the system design should return from the incentivization perspective to the market competition mechanism. Take Germany for example; the German government began with the statutory feed-in tariff system, with direct market sales as an exception. In addition to switching the position of both mechanisms later, the German government has added the bidding mechanism. By contrast, Taiwan, claiming to model the practice of Germany, maintains the feed-in tariff mechanism to incentivize and develop renewable energy and control the quantity and price of renewable energy with bidding as a secondary means to mitigate the burden of financial subsidization. Compared to Germany which explicitly specifies the types of renewable energy required for bidding, Taiwan interprets the bidding practice based on related provisions in the Renewable Energy Development Act and further establishes executive rules outside the existing laws and regulations to form a bidding mechanism. Given the dubitability of the mechanism’s suitability, this article aims to take the initiative to catch more public attention to the issues concerned.
起訖頁 103-169
關鍵詞 饋網電價市場銷售競標Renewable EnergyErneuerbare-Energien-GesetzFeed-in TariffBidding
刊名 科技法學論叢
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學科技法律研究所
期數 201812 (13期)
DOI 10.3966/207223382018120013004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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