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Application of Punishment of Debar Mechanism and Administrative Punishment Law in the Law of Government Procuremen
作者 林家祺
中文摘要 政府採購法第101條為杜絕不良廠商參與政府採購,乃規範有公告停權之制度。對於採購之停權處分法律性質究為裁罰性之處分或管制性之處分?或屬民事之契約罰?過去見解分歧爭議不斷,經最高行政法院在101年度6月份第1次庭長法官聯席會議作成決議,正式將政府採購法第101條停權處分定性為裁罰性之不利處分(第13款則以「類推適用」行政罰法來一併處理)。此決議作成後確立了停權處分屬於行政罰之性質,至此確立了此處分有行政罰法之適用。基上,停權處分既是行政罰,則有進一步之問題待解,即若廠商有多款停權事由競合時,究應如何運用與操作?目前仍無統一之見解,目前各採購機關之作法對於有多款停權處分事由競合時,有的機關以「擇一較重的款次」之事由作停權處分、有的待其中一款停權事由執行完畢後,再另為另一款次之接續為停權處分、有的是「所有事由全部一次性停權」(但只執行最高之3年期間),有的則是「擇一最後之結果款次處分,而置前行為不另論處」……等不一而足,實質上等於任由各機關憑其感覺自行處置,造成同時具有多款停權事由之廠商,會受到何種之停權處置,在法律上全無可預測性,僅憑運氣,形成法律上地位處於不安定之狀態。為此,本文從停權之立法目的及政府採購法第101條第1項各款相互間之關係作討論,就各款間之競合關係如何處置作分析,期能供實務操作提供一相對穩固之作法。
英文摘要 The Supreme Administrative Court, in a resolution of the First Session of the Presidency of the President of the Court of Justice in June 1991, formally defined the legal nature of the debar mechanism of the Government Procurement Law as a punitive sanction (paragraph 13 “Analogy applies” administrative penalty law to deal with). This resolution is made after the establishment of the suspension of administrative punishment is the nature, in principle, should apply the provisions of administrative penalty.However, the current practice of debar of administrative sanctions to punish, if there are a variety of reasons for the debar of competing, how should the actual use and operation? There is no uniform view, especially the current practice for a variety of agencies suspended In the event of co-operation, some of the “heavier sections” were suspended for some of the reasons for suspension, and the other for the suspension of another sub-suspension, some “All but one-off” (but only for a maximum period of three years), “one final disposition, and the other without prejudging”, and so on. By virtue of their own sense of handling, this kind of practice mode of operation caused by a variety of suspension of the reasons for the manufacturers, what will be suspended for disposal, no predictability, only luck, the formation of legal status in the unstable state.Based on this, the purpose of this article from the suspension of the legislative purpose and the Government Procurement Law Article 101, paragraph 1, the relationship between the various sections of the relationship between the competing relationship between how to deal with the proposed positive and negative side of the dialectical.
起訖頁 27-71
關鍵詞 政府採購法停權處分一事不二罰競合理論Government Procurement LawPunishment of Debar Mech-anismOne Act Is Not Two PunishmentsCompeting Theory
刊名 科技法學論叢
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學科技法律研究所
期數 201812 (13期)
DOI 10.3966/207223382018120013002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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